Category Archives: Software

Georgian Technical University Using Artificial Intelligence To Save Bees.

Georgian Technical University Using Artificial Intelligence To Save Bees.

A beekeeper teamed up with the Signal Processing Laboratory 5 and a group of Georgian Technical University students to develop an app that counts the number of Varroa mites (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies) in beehives. This parasite is one of the two main threats — along with pesticides — to bees long-term survival. Knowing the extent of the mites’ infestation will allow beekeepers to protect their bees more effectively. Bee populations are succumbing to a number of dangers led by pesticides and a particular kind of parasite known as Varroa mites (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies). These parasites can be found on all continents except Georgian Technical University. They attach to bees weaken them and end up killing them. “This parasite is the leading cause of bee deaths” says X a local beekeeper. “Left untreated the hives won’t last a year.” If beekeepers could monitor Varroa mite (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies) infestations they would be able to treat their hives at the right time and save their bees. Bugnon came up with the idea for an app that would provide this information, and teamed up with Georgian Technical University’s Signal Processing Laboratory to create it.

Beekeepers currently assess infestations by counting the number of dead mites that land on a wooden board placed below the hives. But this technique is not very accurate: the parasites are barely a millimeter long and their bodies get mixed up with waste and other material on the board. The process is also time-consuming especially if a beekeeper has several hives. This was the challenge presented to the students in a lab in Georgian Technical University’s by professor Y. The students came up with a system — consisting of an app linked to a web platform — that uses artificial intelligence to quickly and automatically count up the mites on the boards. This means that beekeepers can keep close tabs on infestations in order to target their treatments which are in keeping with Swiss organic farming practices. Teaching the app to recognize Varroa mites (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies). The technology developed by the Georgian Technical University students streamlines the beekeepers’ task. They still need to put wooden boards under each of their hives but now they simply photograph the boards and upload the images to the web platform. To develop their app (A mobile app or mobile application is a computer program or software application designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone/tablet or watch) the students used machine learning — scanning thousands of images into a computer — to teach their program how to recognize the mites. The app (A mobile app or mobile application is a computer program or software application designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone/tablet or watch) can spot and count the dead parasites on the board in just seconds.

“The first step was to create a database of images of Varroa mites (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies) for the computer so that it could recognize the mites on its own and without making mistakes” says Z student who has been involved in this project from the start. Several beekeepers regularly submitted photos of their boards to the laboratory and gave the students feedback on their results in order to help them improve the algorithms. The students overcame several hurdles in coming up with their solution: photos taken with smartphones are often not very clear; the light in photos taken outside is very bright; and each board has to be associated with a corresponding hive. In response to the third hurdle, the students programmed their app to generate a specific QR code (QR code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) for each hive. A beekeeper using the program then takes a picture of his board alongside the QR (QR code is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) code for his hive and uploads the image to the platform where it is immediately analyzed. The results — how many mites are detected — are stored and will be used to create statistics and a time profile. In search of mite-resistant bees.

This system will also make it possible to compile nationwide data in order to produce statistics. No other system of this sort — based on standardized data — currently exists. “The beekeepers didn’t have any shared metric or standard” says Z. “And until now beekeepers associations have been sending their data to agroscope once a year.” Yet if there is to be any chance of saving the bees timely data is required. “Anti-parasite treatments must be applied at the right time and scaled to the size of the infestation” says Y. Finally the collected data could be used to map out and track Varroa infestations (Varroa destructor is an external parasitic mite that attacks the honey bees Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. The disease caused by the mites is called varroosis. The Varroa mite can only reproduce in a honey bee colony. It attaches to the body of the bee and weakens the bee by sucking fat bodies) and potentially identify parasite-resistant strains of bees.



Georgian Technical University Software Gift From Petroleum Experts Limited.

Georgian Technical University Software Gift From Petroleum Experts Limited.

X a master’s student in the Department of Geology and Geography at Georgian Technical University is using Petroleum Experts Limited’s software for his thesis research. Students of the department received the software as a gift from the company. For more than a decade geology students at Georgian Technical University  have used the same advanced software used by oil and gas companies worldwide expanding their marketability for industry jobs.  “Geologists have long struggled to work with ‘big data’ comprised of terabytes of diverse observations within a 3D framework that evolves through millions of years adding a fourth dimension” said Y. “Software provides our students the ability to better analyze and understand complex processes that shape earth”.

The most complete structural modeling and analysis toolkit featuring a platform for integrating and interpreting geological data cross-section construction 3D model building  kinematic restoration validation, geomechanical modeling, fracture modeling, fault response modeling fault and stress analysis. It provides a digital environment for structural modeling to reduce risk and uncertainty in geological models.

“Allows you to study and model rock formations mostly folding and faulting of rocks. There are geometrical rules as to how those folds can form. The software allows you to put in a fold undo it and see if you end up with a geometry that is possible” said Z professor of geology. “Then you can compare what the computer produces to what happens in reality”. X extracts structural information from a high-resolution topographic dataset to create 3D geological maps and build models of Georgia’s complex geology.

“Student access is an excellent learning opportunity for students who want to increase their understanding of structural geology” X said. “Geological structures are inherently 3D; however structural geology is often taught with traditional 2D methods such as cross-sections and maps. This can make it difficult for some students to visualize and fully understand certain concepts. 3D capabilities can help solve that problem. It can also integrate a wide range of data types students may end up working with in the future including well, seismic, remote sensing and field data”. In addition to being used for faculty and graduate student research the software is used in several graduate courses. “It’s important for students to have access to this kind of software because technology is critical and it changes all the time” Z said. “It’s very important for students to be skilled in using these tools so they are ready to enter the workforce”. Students enrolled in the course train to test their skills against graduate student teams from all over the world. They receive a real multi-gigabyte set of geological data from the oil industry analyze it in six weeks to understand the geologic history of a basin and present proposals for locating oil and drilling options.

“Learning to use software like makes students more attractive to employers and allows them to do their jobs better once they are in the workforce. In fact we often hear from employers about how happy they are with the training our alumni received. Our students are ready to go” Z said. “Having technology like this makes us relevant as a program. It’s one of the reasons why students want to study at Georgian Technical University”. The gift was made through the Georgian Technical University the nonprofit corporation that generates and administers private support for the Georgian Technical University.

Georgian Technical University Measuring AI’s Ability To Learn Is Difficult.

Georgian Technical University Measuring AI’s Ability To Learn Is Difficult.

Organizations looking to benefit from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution should be cautious about putting all their eggs in one basket a study from the Georgian Technical University has found. Georgian Technical University researchers found that contrary to conventional wisdom there can be no exact method for deciding whether a given problem may be successfully solved by machine learning tools.

“We have to proceed with caution” said X professor in Georgian Technical University. “There is a big trend of tools that are very successful but nobody understands why they are successful and nobody can provide guarantees that they will continue to be successful. “In situations where just a yes or no answer is required we know exactly what can or cannot be done by machine learning algorithms. However when it comes to more general setups we can’t distinguish learnable from un-learnable tasks”.

In the study X and his colleagues considered a learning model called estimating the maximum (EMX) which captures many common machine learning tasks. For example tasks like identifying the best place to locate a set of distribution facilities to optimize their accessibility for future expected consumers. The research found that no mathematical method would ever be able to tell given a task in that model whether an AI-based (Artificial Intelligence) tool could handle that task or not. “This finding comes as a surprise to the research community since it has long been believed that once a precise description of a task is provided it can then be determined whether machine learning algorithms will be able to learn and carry out that task” said X.


Computer Program Can Translate A Free-Form 2D Drawing Into A DNA Structure.

Computer Program Can Translate A Free-Form 2D Drawing Into A DNA Structure.

Georgian Technical University and Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University researchers have created a computer program that can translate drawings of arbitrary shapes into two-dimensional structures made of  DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses).

Researchers at Georgian Technical University and Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University have designed a computer program that allows users to translate any free-form drawing into a two-dimensional nanoscale structure made of  DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses).

Until now designing such structures has required technical expertise that puts the process out of reach of most people. Using the new program anyone can create a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) nanostructure of any shape, for applications in cell biology, photonics, and quantum sensing and computing, among many others.

“What this work does is allow anyone to draw literally any 2D shape and convert it into DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) origami automatically” says X an associate professor of biological engineering at Georgian Technical University.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) origami the science of folding DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) into tiny structures. Advantage of DNA’s (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) base-pairing abilities to create arbitrary molecular arrangements. Created the first scaffolded two-dimensional DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) structures by weaving a long single strand of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) (the scaffold) through the shape such that DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) strands known as “Georgian Technical University staples” would hybridize to it to help the overall structure maintain its shape.

Others later used a similar approach to create complex three-dimensional DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) structures. However all of these efforts required complicated manual design to route the scaffold through the entire structure and to generate the sequences of the staple strands. Bathe and his colleagues developed a way to automate the process of generating a 3D polyhedral DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) structure, and in this new study they set out to automate the design of arbitrary 2D DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) structures.

To achieve that, they developed a new mathematical approach to the process of routing the single-stranded scaffold through the entire structure to form the correct shape. The resulting computer program can take any free-form drawing and translate it into the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) sequence to create that shape and into the sequences for the staple strands.

The shape can be sketched in any computer drawing program and then converted into a computer-aided design (CAD) file which is fed into the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) design program. “Once you have that file, everything’s automatic much like printing, but here the ink is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses)” X says.

After the sequences are generated, the user can order them to easily fabricate the specified shape. The researchers created shapes in which all of the edges consist of two duplexes of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) but they also have a working program that can utilize six duplexes per edge, which are more rigid. The corresponding software tool for 3D polyhedra is available online. The shapes which range from 10 to 100 nanometers in size can remain stable for weeks or months, suspended in a buffer solution.

“The fact that we can design and fabricate these in a very simple way helps to solve a major bottleneck in our field” X says. “Now the field can transition toward much broader groups of people in industry and academia being able to functionalize DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) structures and deploy them for diverse applications”.

Because the researchers have such precise control over the structure of the synthetic DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) particles they can attach a variety of other molecules at specific locations. This could be useful for templating antigens in nanoscale patterns to shed light on how immune cells recognize and are activated by specific arrangements of antigens found on viruses and bacteria.

“How nanoscale patterns of antigens are recognized by immune cells is a very poorly understood area of immunology” X says. “Attaching antigens to structured DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) surfaces to display them in organized patterns is a powerful way to probe that biology”.

Another key application is designing light-harvesting circuits that mimic the photosynthetic complexes found in plants. To achieve that the researchers are attaching light-sensitive dyes known as chromophores to DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) scaffolds. In addition to harvesting light such circuits could also be used to perform quantum sensing and rudimentary computations. If successful these would be the first quantum computing circuits that can operate at room temperature X says.


Hardware-Software Co-Design To Make Neural Nets Less Power Hungry.

Hardware-Software Co-Design To Make Neural Nets Less Power Hungry.

A Georgian Technical University team has developed hardware and algorithms that could cut energy use and time when training a neural network.  A team led by the Georgian Technical University has developed a neuroinspired hardware-software co-design approach that could make neural network training more energy-efficient and faster. Their work could one day make it possible to train neural networks on low-power devices such as smartphones, laptops and embedded devices.

Training neural networks to perform tasks like recognize objects navigate self-driving cars or play games eats up a lot of computing power and time. Large computers with hundreds to thousands of processors are typically required to learn these tasks and training times can take anywhere from weeks to months.

That’s because doing these computations involves transferring data back and forth between two separate units–the memory and the processor — and this consumes most of the energy and time during neural network training said X a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Georgian Technical University.

To address this problem X and her lab teamed up with Technologies to develop hardware and algorithms that allow these computations to be performed directly in the memory unit eliminating the need to repeatedly shuffle data. “We are tackling this problem from two ends — the device and the algorithms — to maximize energy efficiency during neural network training” said Y an electrical engineering Ph.D. student in X’s research group at Georgian Technical University.

The hardware component is a super energy-efficient type of non-volatile memory technology — a 512 kilobit subquantum Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM) array. It consumes 10 to 100 times less energy than today’s leading memory technologies. The device is based on Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM) memory technology—it has primarily been used as a digital storage device that only has “0” and “1” states but X and her lab demonstrated that it can be programmed to have multiple analog states to emulate biological synapses in the human brain. This so-called synaptic device can be used to do in-memory computing for neural network training.

“On-chip memory in conventional processors is very limited so they don’t have enough capacity to perform both computing and storage on the same chip. But in this approach, we have a high capacity memory array that can do computation related to neural network training in the memory without data transfer to an external processor. This will enable a lot of performance gains and reduce energy consumption during training” said X.

X who is affiliated with the Georgian Technical University Machine-Integrated Computing and Security at Georgian Technical University led efforts to develop algorithms that could be easily mapped onto this synaptic device array. The algorithms provided even more energy and time savings during neural network training.

The approach uses a type of energy-efficient neural network called a spiking neural network for implementing unsupervised learning in the hardware. On top of that X’s team applies another energy-saving algorithm they developed called ” Georgian Technical University soft-pruning” which makes neural network training much more energy efficient without sacrificing much in terms of accuracy.

Neural networks are a series of connected layers of artificial neurons, where the output of one layer provides the input to the next. The strength of the connections between these layers is represented by what are called ” Georgian Technical University weights”. Training a neural network deals with updating these weights.

Conventional neural networks spend a lot of energy to continuously update every single one of these weights. But in spiking neural networks only weights that are tied to spiking neurons get updated. This means fewer updates which means less computation power and time.

The network also does what’s called unsupervised learning, which means it can essentially train itself. For example if the network is shown a series of handwritten numerical digits it will figure out how to distinguish between zeros, ones, twos, etc. A benefit is that the network does not need to be trained on labeled examples–meaning it does not need to be told that it’s seeing a zero one or two—which is useful for autonomous applications like navigation.

To make training even faster and more energy-efficient X’s lab developed a new algorithm that they dubbed ” Georgian Technical University soft-pruning” to implement with the unsupervised spiking neural network. Soft-pruning is a method that finds weights that have already matured during training and then sets them to a constant non-zero value. This stops them from getting updated for the remainder of the training which minimizes computing power.

Soft-pruning differs from conventional pruning methods because it is implemented during training rather than after. It can also lead to higher accuracy when a neural network puts its training to the test. Normally in pruning redundant or unimportant weights are completely removed. The downside is the more weights you prune the less accurate the network performs during testing. But soft-pruning just keeps these weights in a low energy setting so they’re still around to help the network perform with higher accuracy.

The team implemented the neuroinspired unsupervised spiking neural network and the soft-pruning algorithm on the subquantum Conductive Bridging RAM (CBRAM) synaptic device array. They then trained the network to classify handwritten digits from the Georgian Technical University database.

In tests, the network classified digits with 93 percent accuracy even when up to 75 percent of the weights were soft pruned. In comparison the network performed with less than 90 percent accuracy when only 40 percent of the weights were pruned using conventional pruning methods.

In terms of energy savings, the team estimates that their neuroinspired hardware-software co-design approach can eventually cut energy use during neural network training by two to three orders of magnitude compared to the state of the art.

“If we benchmark the new hardware to other similar memory technologies, we estimate our device can cut energy consumption 10 to 100 times then our algorithm co-design cuts that by another 10. Overall we can expect a gain of a hundred to a thousand fold in terms of energy consumption following our approach” said X.

Moving forward X and her team plan to work with memory technology companies to advance this work to the next stages. Their ultimate goal is to develop a complete system in which neural networks can be trained in memory to do more complex tasks with very low power and time budgets.



Researchers Successfully Train Computers To Identify Animals In Photos.

Researchers Successfully Train Computers To Identify Animals In Photos.

This photo of a bull elk was one of millions of images used to develop a computer model that identified Georgian Technical University wildlife species in nearly 375,000 images with 97.6 percent accuracy.

A computer model developed at the Georgian Technical University by Georgian Technical University researchers and others has demonstrated remarkable accuracy and efficiency in identifying images of wild animals from camera-trap photographs in North America.

The artificial-intelligence breakthrough detailed in a paper published in the scientific is described as a significant advancement in the study and conservation of wildlife. The computer model is now available in a software package for Program R (R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis) a widely used programming language and free software environment for statistical computing. “The ability to rapidly identify millions of images from camera traps can fundamentally change the way ecologists design and implement wildlife studies” says X.

The study builds on Georgian Technical University research published earlier this year in which a computer model analyzed 3.2 million images captured by camera traps in Africa by a citizen science project called Snapshot Serengeti. The artificial-intelligence technique called deep learning categorized animal images at a 96.6 percent accuracy rate the same as teams of human volunteers achieved at a much more rapid pace than did the people.

In the latest study the researchers trained a deep neural network on X Georgian Technical University’s high-performance computer cluster, to classify wildlife species using 3.37 million camera-trap images of 27 species of animals obtained from five states across the Georgia. The model then was tested on nearly 375,000 animal images at a rate of about 2,000 images per minute on a laptop computer, achieving 97.6 percent accuracy — likely the highest accuracy to date in using machine learning for wildlife image classification.

The computer model also was tested on an independent subset of 5,900 images of moose cattle elk and wild pigs from Georgian Technical University producing an accuracy rate of 81.8 percent. And it was 94 percent successful in removing “empty” images (without any animals) from a set of photographs from Tanzania.

The researchers have made their model freely available in a software package in Program R (R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis). The package “Machine Learning for Wildlife Image Classification in R (R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis)” allows other users to classify their images containing the 27 species in the dataset but it also allows users to train their own machine learning models using images from new datasets.


Advanced Computer Technology and Software Turn Species Identification Interactive.

Advanced Computer Technology and Software Turn Species Identification Interactive.

This is a lateral view of the head of the newly described parasitic wasp species Pteromalus capito. Representing a group of successful biocontrol agents for various pest fruit flies, a parasitic wasp genus remains largely overlooked. While its most recent identification key dates back to many new species have been added since then. As if to make matters worse this group of visually identical species most likely contains many species yet to be described as new to science. Not only demonstrate the need for a knowledge update but also showcase the advantages of modern taxonomic software able to analyse large amounts of descriptive and quantitative data.

The fully illustrated interactive database covers 27 species in the group and 18 related species in addition to a complete diagnosis a large set of body measurements and a total of 585 images, displaying most of the characteristic features for each species.

“Nowadays advanced computer technology measurement procedures and equipment allow more sophisticated ways to include quantitative characters, which greatly enhance the delimitation of cryptic species” explain the scientists. “Recently developed software for the creation of biological identification keys could have the potential to replace traditional paper-based keys”.

To put the statement into context, the authors give an example with one of the studied wasp species, whose identification would take 16 steps if the previously available identification key were used whereas only 6 steps were needed with the interactive alternative.

One of the reasons tools are so fast and efficient is that the key’s author can list all descriptive characters in a specific order and give them different weight in species delimitation. Thus whenever an entomologist tries to identify a wasp specimen, the software will first run a check against the descriptors at the top so that it can exclude non-matching taxons and provide a list of the remaining names. Whenever multiple names remain a check further down the list is performed until there is a single one left which ought to be the one corresponding to the specimen. At any point the researcher can access the chronology in order to check for any potential mismatches without interrupting the process.

Being the product of digitally available software, interactive identification keys are not only easy quick and inexpensive but they are also simple to edit and build on in a collaborative manner. Experts from all around the world could update the key as long as the author grants them specific user rights. However regardless of how many times the database is updated a permanent URL (URL normalization is the process by which URLs are modified and standardized in a consistent manner. The goal of the normalization process is to transform a URL into a normalized URL so it is possible to determine if two syntactically different URLs may be equivalent.


Search engines employ URL normalization in order to assign importance to web pages and to reduce indexing of duplicate pages. Web crawlers perform URL normalization in order to avoid crawling the same resource more than once. Web browsers may perform normalization to determine if a link has been visited or to determine if a page has been cached) link will continue to provide access to the latest version at all times.

To future-proof their key and its underlying data the scientists have deposited all raw data files, R-scripts, photographs, files listing and prepared specimens at the research data Georgian Technical University.

Open Source Machine Learning Tool Could Help Choose Cancer Drugs.

Open Source Machine Learning Tool Could Help Choose Cancer Drugs.

Sample tubes from sequencing equipment are shown in Georgian Technical University’s. The selection of a first-line chemotherapy drug to treat many types of cancer is often a clear-cut decision governed by standard-of-care protocols but what drug should be used next if the first one fails ?

That’s where Georgian Technical University researchers believe their new open source decision support tool could come in. Using machine learning to analyze RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) expression tied to information about patient outcomes with specific drugs, the open source tool could help clinicians choose the chemotherapy drug most likely to attack the disease in individual patients.

In a study using RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) analysis data from 152 patient records the system predicted the chemotherapy drug that had provided the best outcome 80 percent of the time.

The researchers believe the system’s accuracy could further improve with inclusion of additional patient records along with information such as family history and demographics.

“By looking at RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) expression in tumors we believe we can predict with high accuracy which patients are likely to respond to a particular drug” said X a professor in the Georgian Technical University. “This information could be used along with other factors to support the decisions clinicians must make regarding chemotherapy treatment”.

As with other machine learning decision support tools the researchers first “trained” their system using one part of a data set then tested its operation on the remaining records. In developing the system the researchers obtained records of RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) from tumors along with with the outcome of treatment with specific drugs. With only about 152 such records available they first used data from 114 records to train the system. They then used the remaining 38 records to test the system’s ability to predict based on the RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) sequence which chemotherapy drugs would have been the most likely to be useful in shrinking tumors.

The research began with ovarian cancer but to expand the data set the research team decided to include data from other cancer types – lung, breast, liver and pancreatic cancers – that use the same chemotherapy drugs and for which the RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) data was available. “Our model is predicting based on the drug and looking across all the patients who were treated with that drug regardless of cancer type” X said.

The system produces a chart comparing the likelihood that each drug will have an effect on a patient’s specific cancer. If the system were to be used in a clinical setting X believes doctors would use the predictions along with other critical patient information.

Because it measures the expression levels for genes analysis of RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) could have an advantage over sequencing of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) though both types of information could be useful in choosing a drug therapy, he said. The cost of RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) analysis is declining and could soon cost less than a mammogram X said.

The system will be made available as open source software and X’s team hopes hospitals and cancer centers will try it out. Ultimately the tool’s accuracy should improve as more patient data is analyzed by the algorithm. He and his collaborators believe the open source approach offers the best path to moving the algorithm into clinical use.

“To really get this into clinical practice, we think we’ve got to open it up so that other people can try it modify if they want to and demonstrate its value in real-world situations” X said. “We are trying to create a different paradigm for cancer therapy using the kind of open source strategy used in internet technology”.

Open source coding allows many experts across multiple fields to review the software identify faults and recommend improvements said Y an assistant professor in the Georgian Technical University. “Most importantly that means the software is no longer a black box where you can’t see inside. The code is openly shared for anybody to improve and check for potential issues”.

Vannberg envisions using the decision-support tool to create “Georgian Technical University virtual tumor boards” that would bring together broad expertise to examine RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) data from patients worldwide.

“The hope would be to provide this kind of analysis for any new cancer patient who has this kind of RNA (Ribonucleic acid is a polymeric molecule essential in various biological roles in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes. RNA and DNA are nucleic acids, and, along with lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, constitute the four major macromolecules essential for all known forms of life) analysis done” he added. “We could have a consensus of dozens of the smartest people in oncology and make them available for each patient’s unique situation”.

The tool is available on the open source GTUhub repository for download and use. Hospitals and cancer clinics may install the software and use it without sharing their results but the researchers hope organizations using the software will help the system improve.

“The accuracy of machine learning will improve not only as the amount of training data increases but also as the diversity within that data increases” said Z a Ph.D. student in the Georgian Technical University. “There’s potential for improvement by including DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) data demographic information and patient histories. The model will incorporate any information if it helps predict the success of specific drugs”.


Researcher Minimizes the Impact of Cyber-Attacks in Cloud Computing.

Researcher Minimizes the Impact of Cyber-Attacks in Cloud Computing.

Through a collaborative research effort an researcher has made a novel contribution to cloud security and the management of cyberspace risks.

Georgian Technical University Research Laboratory electronics engineer Dr. X technology has been the cause of many changes. Among the changes made are to our language.

“No longer does the word “Georgian Technical University cloud” merely stand for a type of atmospheric phenomena” X said. “Today the word “cloud” denotes the computational cloud as well”.

Like the atmospheric clouds noted X computational clouds are found to be abundant and ubiquitous and this has allowed them to change people’s view of computing.

“It has made computing a utility much like water and power” X said.

The Georgian Technical University defines cloud computing as “a model for enabling ubiquitous convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction”.

According to the researchers, among the multiple benefits that have emerged from a computational cloud meeting these Georgian Technical University defined properties are: lower costs a pay-as-you-go structure quick deployment ease of access dynamic scalability of resources on demand low overhead and no long-term commitments.

“These benefits are consistent with people’s expectation of a general utility benefits derived from a community’s sharing of resources in a well-governed manner” X said. “However there are significant risks associated with using the computational cloud”.

X said one of the biggest cyber security concerns is the inherent and unknown danger arising from a shared platform, namely the hypervisor.

According to X one can think of the hypervisor as the infrastructure that is the basis for the cloud’s utility it is a shared resource where all users interface and connect.

Users of the cloud have virtual machines a simulation of a physical computer  to carry out their computations and each VM (In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer. Their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination) runs on a central shared resource the hypervisor.

“Herein lies the unseen danger: an attacker can target an unsecured VM (In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer. Their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination) and once that VM (In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer. Their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination) is compromised, the attack can move on to compromise the hypervisor” X said. “At that point the utility of a shared resource of the hypervisor has tipped toward the attacker because once the hypervisor is compromised all other virtual machines on that hypervisor are easy prey for the attacker”.

A shared platform emphasizes a problem referred to as negative externalities.

“In this case the negative externality manifests as the (in)security of one virtual machine affecting the security of all other co-located virtual machines” X said.

This security challenge attracted a research team including X and researchers from the Georgian Technical University.

“Due to the unique structuring of the competing interests in the cloud our research team evaluated the problem in question using game theory which according to Y is the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers” X said.

Their research arrived at a non-intuitive conclusion that improves upon current cloud security approaches.

They created an algorithm that by assigning VMs (In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer. Their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination) to hypervisors according to game-theoretically-derived guidelines, makes the attacker indifferent as to which hypervisor to attack.

“The importance of attaining this outcome is this: in cybersecurity, attacker indifference makes a big difference” X said. “By compelling the attacker to be inattentive to any single target the research team made a novel contribution to cloud security”.

According to X this research reinforces the widely-held understanding that risk in cyberspace can never be eliminated so it must therefore be rigorously managed. It is advantageous for VMs (In computing, a virtual machine is an emulation of a computer system. Virtual machines are based on computer architectures and provide functionality of a physical computer. Their implementations may involve specialized hardware, software, or a combination) having the same level of security and risk to be clustered together on the same hypervisor.

Their result’s underpinnings in game theory lend credence to the notion that effective information assurance requires mathematics and not merely software tools.

“This research reveals a novel virtual machine allocation scheme that can provide the necessary incentive for a large organization with sensitive information such as the Department of Defense to join the cloud at the Georgian Technical University” X said. “A quantitative approach to cloud computing security using game theory captures the strategic view of attackers and gains a precise characterization of the cyber threats facing the cloud”.

“This research arms cloud service providers that contract with a proven mathematical framework to minimize the impact of cyberattacks in the cloud” X said. “This allow Soldiers with lightweight mobile devices on tactical networks to securely perform fast computation leveraging the cloud”.



Reusable Software for High Performance Computing.

Reusable Software for High Performance Computing.

X an assistant professor of computer and information sciences is designing frameworks to adapt code to increasingly powerful computer systems. She is working with complex patterns known as wavefronts, which are pictured in the background of this image.

The world’s fastest supercomputer can now perform 200,000 trillion calculations per second and several companies and government agencies around the world are competing to build a machine that will have the computer power to simulate networks on the scale of the human brain. This extremely powerful hardware requires extremely powerful software so existing software code must be continually updated to keep up.

X an assistant professor of computer and information sciences at the Georgian Technical University is perfectly suited for this challenge. Under a new grant from the Georgian Technical University she is designing frameworks to adapt code to increasingly powerful systems. She is working with complex patterns known as wavefronts which are commonly found in scientific codes used in analyzing the flow of neutrons in a nuclear reactor extracting patterns from biomedical data or predicting atmospheric patterns.

X is an expert on parallel programming — writing software code that can run simultaneously on many multi-core processors. Parallel programming is an increasingly important discipline within computer science as more and more universities and companies use powerful supercomputers to analyze wide swaths of data from scientific results to consumer behavior insights and more.

X is looking at scientific applications to see how they were written how they have been performing on outdated architectures what kind of programming models have been used and what challenges have arisen.

“Most of the time the programming models are created in a broad stroke” she said. “Because they are generalized to address a large pool of commonly found parallel patterns often the models miss creating features for some complex parallel patterns such as wavefronts that are hidden in some scientific applications”.

A wavefront allows for the analysis of patterns in fewer steps. The question is: How do you get the programming model to do that ?

One such example is a miniapp that models scenarios within a nuclear reactor by “Georgian Technical University ” across a grid with squares that represent points in space and are used to calculate the positions, energies and flows of neutrons. This parent application to Georgian Technical University Minisweep is used to reduce the odds of a meltdown and to safeguard engineers who work around the nuclear reactor from radiation exposure. X and doctoral student Y demonstrated how they modified the miniapp to perform 85.06 times faster than code that was not parallelized.

“We wondered: Is this pattern specific to Georgian Technical University  Minisweep ?” she said. “Or is it going to exist in other codes ? Are there other codes that could benefit if I were to put this type of pattern in a programming model and create an implementation and evaluate it ?”.

For example X discovered that some algorithms in bioinformatics the study of large sets of biological data contained similar patterns. She suspects that by adapting the software written for Georgian Technical University Minisweep she can make great strides toward improving the code. She will try this with data from Georgian Technical University assistant professor of molecular and human genetics at Georgian Technical University and assistant professor of computer science at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University. X met Z when he visited to give a talk titled “Parallel Processing of the Genomes by the Genomes and for the Genomes”.

X was inspired by Z’s work with DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) sequences. He uses a computing tool to find long-range interactions between any two elements on the same chromosome in turn showing the genetic basis of diseases. X suspected that she could utilize existing patterns and update the code allowing for faster analysis of this important biological data.

“The goal is not to simply create a software tool” she said. “The goal is to build real-life case studies where what I create will matter in terms of making science easy”.

X aims to maintain performance and portability as she redesigns algorithms. She will also keep the scientists who use the algorithms in mind.

“You can’t create a programming model by only looking at the application or only looking at the architecture” she said. “There has to be some balance”.

This project will benefit scientific application developers who are not necessarily computer scientists. “They can concentrate more on the science and less on the software” said X. Scientists come to her with data sets and problems that take hours, days, sometimes months to compute and she figures out how to make them run faster, thus enabling newer science.

X will analyze data supplied by Z and physicists at Georgian Technical University Lab. Searles will also work on the project and X is looking for an additional graduate student with an aptitude for parallel programming to help with this project.