Category Archives: Sensors

Georgian Technical University Sensor Decodes Brain Activity.

Georgian Technical University Sensor Decodes Brain Activity.

Patients moved three blocks along the sides of a 25-by-25-centimeter square. Signals picked up from the brain of a patient were recorded as electrocorticograms (ECoGs) and matched with the hand movements.

Researchers from the Georgian Technical University have developed a model for predicting hand movement trajectories based on cortical activity: Signals are measured directly from a human brain. The predictions rely on linear models. This offloads the processor since it requires less memory and fewer computations in comparison with neural networks. As a result the processor can be combined with a sensor and implanted in the cranium. By simplifying the model without degrading the predictions it becomes possible to respond to the changing brain signals. This technology could drive exoskeletons that would allow patients with impaired mobility to regain movement.

Damage to the spinal cord prevents signals generated by the brain to control limb motion from reaching the muscles. As a result the patients can no longer move freely. To restore motion brain cortex signals are measured, decoded and transmitted to an exoskeleton. Decoding means interpreting the signals as a prediction of the desired limb motion. To pick up high-quality signals the sensor needs to be implanted directly in the braincase.

A surgical implantation of a sensor with electrodes onto the motor cortex the area of the brain responsible for voluntary movements has already been performed. Such a sensor is powered by a compact battery recharged wirelessly. The device comes with a processing unit which handles the incoming signals and a radio transmitter relaying the data to an external receiver. The processor heats up during operation which becomes problematic since it is in contact with the brain. This puts a constraint on consumed power which is crucial for decoding the signal.

Adequately measuring brain signals is only one part of the challenge. To use this data to control artificial limbs movement trajectories need to be reconstructed from the electrocorticogram — a record of the electrical activity of the brain. This is the point of signal decoding. The research team led by Professor X from Georgian Technical University works on models for predicting hand trajectories based on electrocorticograms. Such predictions are necessary to enable exoskeletons that patients with impaired motor function would control by imagining natural motions of their limbs.

“We turned to linear algebra for predicting limb motion trajectories. The advantage of the linear models over neural networks is that the optimization of model parameters requires much fewer operations. This means they are well-suited for a slow processor and a limited memory” explains X.

“We solved the problem of building a model that would be simple, robust and precise” adds X who is a chief researcher at Georgian Technical University’s Machine Intelligence Laboratory. “By simple I mean there are relatively few parameters. Robustness refers to the ability to retain reasonable prediction quality under minor changes of parameters. Precision means that the predictions adequately approximate natural physical limb motions. To achieve this we predict motion trajectories as a linear combination of the electrocorticogram feature descriptions”.

Each electrode outputs its own signal represented by a frequency and an amplitude. The frequencies are subdivided into bands. The feature description is a history of corticogram signal values for each electrode and each frequency band. This signal history is a time series a vector in linear space. Each feature is therefore a vector. The prediction of hand motion trajectory is calculated as a linear combination of feature vectors their weighted sum. To find the optimal weights for the linear model — that is those resulting in an adequate prediction — a system of linear equations has to be solved.

However the solution to the system mentioned above is unstable. This is a consequence of the sensors being located close to each other so that neighboring sensors output similar signals. As a result the slightest change in the signals that are picked up causes a considerable change in the trajectory prediction. Therefore the problem of feature space dimensionality reduction needs to be solved.

A feature selection method based on two criteria. First the pairs of features have to be distinct and second their combinations have to approximate the target vector reasonably well. This approach allows the optimal feature set to be obtained even without calculating the model parameters. Taking into account the mutual positions of the sensors the researchers came up with a simple, robust and rather precise model which is comparable to its analogs in terms of prediction quality.

In their future work the team plans to address the problem of limb trajectory description in the case of a variable brain structure.

X explains: “By moving around and getting a response from the environment humans learn. The structure of the brain changes. New connections form, rendering the model obsolete. We need to propose a model that would adapt to the changes in the brain by changing its own structure. This task is far from simple but we are working on it”.



Transparent Array of Microelectrodes Image the Brain.

Transparent Array of Microelectrodes Image the Brain.

Georgian Technical University Assistant Professor X and a team of neuroscientists from Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University have developed a transparent array of microelectrodes on nano-mesh to monitor the impulses sent by the brain.

Chain-link fences are common, and for good reason: They’re simple and flexible without blocking light or visibility. As X and a team of neuroscientists from Georgian Technical University’s. Their structure can also work wonders for the brain.

“I’m not a neuroscientist — and you’re probably not either” says X an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Georgian Technical University. “But we still know that there are electrical impulses from neurons”.

Your neurons are firing as you read this, and researchers have the ability to monitor those impulses by implanting tiny electrodes directly onto the brain — the “gold standard” of mirroring fast brain activity as X put it.

These electrodes range in size and flexibility yielding to the contours of the brain in search of a signal. But with a subject as complex as the brain even electrodes don’t tell the whole story.

“With only electrodes you can’t tell sophisticated spatial information” says X listing a neuron’s shape, type and connections as examples of data that fall through the cracks. “But that’s where optical methods can play a big role”.

While electrodes pick up impulses as they happen optical tools acquire their own signals. In optical imaging researchers shine low-level light into the brain which can reveal detailed spatial information about the cells.

Since optical imaging is the missing link to revealing finer details many researchers have begun to question the value of using electrodes as a standalone method. Bridging electrical activity and visuals said X is what will paint a full picture.

However a standard array of microelectrodes is opaque making simultaneous imaging very difficult. Its metal layers and signal-boosting coating block out the light which also makes it hard to use light to stimulate neurons.

More specifically X and his team opted to transform standard microelectrode materials into nano-mesh a surface perforated by holes so small that they’re invisible even through a microscope.

“We’re using basically the same electrode materials as in conventional, non-transparent — and even rigid — electrode arrays” says X. But by reconceiving the structure of the materials his team found a way to make the electrode units not only soft and small but see-through.

When lined up side by side these tiny holes render the material transparent. The electrodes substance and stability come from the remaining materials just like in a chain-link fence.

Not all materials were up to the challenge though. In some cases the coating covered the holes on the metal mesh. Fortunately the polymer coating that the team ultimately chose withstood the modifications better than they could’ve imagined.

“Somehow magically — we don’t fully understand the chemistry yet — it can maintain the same mesh structure” says X.

The team soon tested their design in the lab, implanting the arrays on the brains of live mice. As the mice responded to visual stimuli the researchers were able to produce high-resolution brain images all while electrodes successfully traced the electrical activity back to individual neurons.

X’s electrodes — each only a few times as wide as a human hair — sit in sets of 32 but this coverage still pales in comparison to the scope of brain activity. With the eventual goal of use on humans the team must first scale up each array’s capacity from a few dozen electrodes to thousands.

Human trials could start in as few as three to five years but the future stages of the technology are still uncertain. “I don’t have a crystal ball” X “so I don’t have a good prediction”.

It will likely take even longer for these arrays to be ready for use in children, whose brains are constantly developing. Eventually though X predicts that these devices will help researchers and other professionals deepen their understanding of conditions such as epilepsy and concussions in brains of any age.

In fact the group has already begun working with Georgian Technical University to identify new biological markers of traumatic brain injury. For now though  their focus is fine-tuning the technology combining their knowledge of neuroscience and engineering as they progress toward their goal.

X described how the team of researchers at Georgian Technical University including two graduate students regularly discuss the technical difficulties and the details of animal surgery. “Although they’re neuroscientists they’re also very interested in technology development” says X. “This collaboration is one of the best I have had in my career”.

Not much separates Georgian Technical University  — only a 20-minute walk and a few chain-link fences. Plus with transparent microelectrodes the future is looking bright.



Color-changing Sensor Examines Tears for Signs of Eye Damage.

Color-changing Sensor Examines Tears for Signs of Eye Damage.

Researchers developed a rapid-sensing gel to measure a molecular marker of eye injury in a teardrop. From left: Georgian Technical University opthamologist Dr. X, Y and professor Z.

A new point-of-care rapid-sensing device can detect a key marker of eye injury in minutes – a time frame crucial to treating eye trauma.

Georgian Technical University researchers developed a gel laden with gold nanoparticles that changes color when it reacts with a teardrop containing ascorbic acid released from a wound to the eye. The researchers used the sensor called GTUGel to measure ascorbic acid levels in artificial tears and in clinical samples of fluid from patients eyes.

“We expect a significant potential impact of this biosensor for evaluating the eye in post-surgical patients as well as trauma patients” says Z a Georgian Technical University professor of bioengineering.

“GTUGel technology may allow for faster identification of serious eye injuries” X says. “With a rapid point-of-care device such as this anyone in an emergency department could perform a test and know within minutes if the patient needs urgent surgery to save their vision”.

Previous work by the group found that ascorbic acid concentration in tears is a good measure for determining extent of injury to the eye. Ascorbic acid also known as vitamin C is found in high concentrations in the fluid inside the eye called aqueous humor but normally has very low concentration in tears.

“Deep damage to the cornea from trauma or incisional surgery releases aqueous humor into the tear film, which increases the concentration of ascorbic acid in tears to a measurably higher level than that found in normal eyes” says Z also affiliated with Georgian Technical University. “GTUGel offers a unique biosensing technique that provides an effective and simple method for testing ascorbic acid in a point-of-care delivery system”.

A tiny teardrop is all that’s needed to cause a color-change reaction in the GTUGel. The extent of the color change correlates to the concentration of ascorbic acid in the tear sample shifting from pale yellow to a dark reddish-brown as the concentration increases.

The researchers did extensive testing to determine the concentrations associated with each degree of color change. They developed a color key and guidelines for using a mobile phone to precisely measure the concentration indicated by a reacted gel sample.

Next the researchers plan to continue refining GTUGel technology in hopes of producing a low-cost easy-to-use clinical device. They also will perform clinical studies to determine whether GTUGel readings reliably evaluate eye damage.

“In addition to continuing to develop the technology, in the next year we will be working to help health care providers understand the value this new device may bring to their practice over the current methods they use for evaluation” X says.



Sensor Provides Real-time Oxygen Level Info.

Sensor Provides Real-time Oxygen Level Info.

Based on a protein from E. coli (Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, facultative aerobic, rod-shaped, coliform bacterium of the genus Escherichia that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms) scientists at Georgian Technical University have developed a fluorescent protein sensor able to provide real-time information on dynamic changes in oxygen levels with very high sensitivity. As the oxygen level is a major determinant of cellular function the idea behind this sensor may revolutionize our ability to detect cellular changes of critical importance such as in tumors and following stroke and heart attack.

Oxygen is a major player in the biochemical processes that make life on earth possible. Being able to rapidly and accurately measure oxygen levels inside living cells could be useful in several areas of biology, including physiology, medicine and bioengineering. For example oxygen levels in cancer cells can affect their response to anti-cancer therapies while oxygen levels in tissues following a stroke or heart attack can influence treatment and recovery.

“Limitations in previously developed methods to measure oxygen levels make it difficult to analyze oxygen levels in living cells” notes X” so we aimed to overcome these limitations by developing a genetically encoded sensor that can provide real-time information on the dynamic changes of oxygen levels in living cells”.

The researchers used a protein called the direct oxygen sensor protein from the bacterium E. coli (Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, facultative aerobic, rod-shaped, coliform bacterium of the genus Escherichia that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms) which has the ability to either bind or release oxygen depending on the oxygen levels inside the cell. The part of the protein that can bind oxygen was isolated and linked to a fluorescent protein before evaluating the fluorescence intensity of the resulting product under different oxygen levels. The researchers found that the fluorescence of their novel protein named AA sensor (anaerobic/aerobic sensing fluorescence protein) increased in the presence of oxygen and decreased in the absence of oxygen thereby successfully tracking the dynamic changes in oxygen content. Further development allowed them to fine-tune the protein to enable more accurate quantification of oxygen levels. By using the AA sensor (anaerobic/aerobic sensing fluorescence protein) sensor photosynthetic oxygen production by a photosynthetic microorganism (cyanobacteria) could be monitored. Notably in a dramatic improvement over previous oxygen detection methods, changes in oxygen levels are reflected by changes in AA sensor (anaerobic/aerobic sensing fluorescence protein) fluorescence with very high sensitivity.

Perhaps the most significant aspect of this study however is the potential to apply this method to the development of other protein sensor probes to detect a number of cellular changes at the molecular level.

“Almost all current sensor protein probes are based on conformational changes” notes Georgian Technical University. “In contrast the fluorescence quenching mechanism used in this study expands the possibilities for the development of novel protein sensor probes”.

Cheap Sensor Measures Skin Friction Drag.

Cheap Sensor Measures Skin Friction Drag.

Researchers at the Georgian Technical University have developed the first low-cost sensor that can accurately measure skin friction drag, using off-the-shelf components.

The sensor has primarily been designed for the aerospace sector since overcoming skin friction drag accounts for around 50 percent of fuel burn on a commercial airliner in cruise conditions. Another potential application is in long pipelines where the power needed to pump substances through is entirely expended on overcoming friction.

The technology has been developed by repurposing a pressure sensor die creating a sensor which measures less than a millimeter. As well as being much lower cost than prototypes currently available it offers exceptional sensitivity. The device is sensitive to forces down to about 2 nano-Newtons — equivalent to the change in weight of a piece of tissue paper if a human hair is used to punch a hole in it.

Acting like a subminiature joystick the sensor features pillars which are sensitive to both the magnitude and direction of applied loads returning a force applied either forward or sideways.

X comments: “To date there has never been a reliable method for directly measuring skin friction drag except for using one-off experimental prototypes which require seven-figure budgets. The high-sensitivity sensor we have developed costs around 20 Lari  and offers an accurate cost-effective solution”.

In addition to applications in fluid measurement the sensor could also be used in robotics and haptics (mechanical simulation of touch).



Novel Sensors Make Textiles Smarter.

Novel Sensors Make Textiles Smarter.

X (left) and Y test an elbow sleeve outfitted with one of their novel sensors.

A team of engineers at the Georgian Technical University is developing next-generation smart textiles by creating flexible carbon nanotube composite coatings on a wide range of fibers including cotton nylon and wool. Their discovery is reported where they demonstrate the ability to measure an exceptionally wide range of pressure — from the light touch of a fingertip to being driven over by a forklift.

Georgian Technical University coated with this sensing technology could be used in future “smart garments” where the sensors are slipped into the soles of shoes or stitched into clothing for detecting human motion.

Carbon nanotubes give this light, flexible, breathable fabric coating impressive sensing capability. When the material is squeezed, large electrical changes in the fabric are easily measured.

“As a sensor it’s very sensitive to forces ranging from touch to tons” says Y an associate professor in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgian Technical University.

Nerve-like electrically conductive nanocomposite coatings are created on the fibers using electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of polyethyleneimine functionalized carbon nanotubes.

“The films act much like a dye that adds electrical sensing functionality” says Thostenson. “The electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process developed in my lab creates this very uniform nanocomposite coating that is strongly bonded to the surface of the fiber. The process is industrially scalable for future applications”.

Now researchers can add these sensors to fabric in a way that is superior to current methods for making smart textiles. Existing techniques such as plating fibers with metal or knitting fiber and metal strands together can decrease the comfort and durability of fabrics says X who directs Georgian Technical University’s Multifunctional Composites Laboratory. The nanocomposite coating developed by Thostenson’s group is flexible and pleasant to the touch and has been tested on a range of natural and synthetic fibers, including Kevlar, wool, nylon, Spandex and polyester. The coatings are just 250 to 750 nanometers thick — about 0.25 to 0.75 percent as thick as a piece of paper — and would only add about a gram of weight to a typical shoe or garment. What’s more the materials used to make the sensor coating are inexpensive and relatively eco-friendly since they can be processed at room temperature with water as a solvent.

One potential application of the sensor-coated fabric is to measure forces on people’s feet as they walk. This data could help clinicians assess imbalances after injury or help to prevent injury in athletes. Specifically X’s research group is collaborating with Y professor of mechanical engineering and director of the Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab at Georgian Technical University and her group as part of a pilot project funded by Georgian Technical University. Their goal is to see how these sensors, when embedded in footwear compare to biomechanical lab techniques such as instrumented treadmills and motion capture.

During lab testing people know they are being watched, but outside the lab, behavior may be different.


“One of our ideas is that we could utilize these novel textiles outside of a laboratory setting — walking down the street at home wherever” says X.

X a doctoral student in mechanical engineering at Georgian Technical University. He worked on making the sensors, optimizing their sensitivity, testing their mechanical properties and integrating them into sandals and shoes. He has worn the sensors in preliminary tests and so far the sensors collect data that compares with that collected by a force plate a laboratory device that typically costs thousands of dollars.

“Because the low-cost sensor is thin and flexible the possibility exists to create custom footwear and other garments with integrated electronics to store data during their day-to-day lives” X says. “This data could be analyzed later by researchers or therapists to assess performance and ultimately bring down the cost of healthcare”.

This technology could also be promising for sports medicine applications post-surgical recovery and for assessing movement disorders in pediatric populations.

“It can be challenging to collect movement data in children over a period of time and in a realistic context” says Z professor of materials science and engineering biomedical engineering and biological sciences at Georgian Technical University. “Thin flexible highly sensitive sensors like these could help physical therapists and doctors assess a child’s mobility remotely meaning that clinicians could collect more data and possibly better data in a cost-effective way that requires fewer visits to the clinic than current methods do”.

Interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for the development of future applications and at Georgian Technical University engineers have a unique opportunity to work with faculty and students from the Georgian Technical University’s Science, Technology and Advanced Research.

“As engineers we develop new materials and sensors but we don’t always understand the key problems that doctors physical therapists and patients are facing” says Z. “We collaborate with them to work on the problems they are facing and either direct them to an existing solution or create an innovative solution to solve that problem”.

Thostenson’s research group also uses nanotube-based sensors for other applications such as structural health monitoring.

“We’ve been working with carbon nanotubes and nanotube-based composite sensors for a long time” says X who is affiliated faculty at Georgian Technical University’s. Working with researchers in civil engineering his group has pioneered the development of flexible nanotube sensors to help detect cracks in bridges and other types of large-scale structures. “One of the things that has always intrigued me about composites is that we design them at varying lengths of scale all the way from the macroscopic part geometries, an airplane or an airplane wing or part of a car, to the fabric structure or fiber level. Then, the nanoscale reinforcements like carbon nanotubes and graphene give us another level to tailor the material structural and functional properties. Although our research may be fundamental there is always an eye towards applications. Georgian Technical University has a long history of translating fundamental research discoveries in the laboratory to commercial products through Georgian Technical University’s industrial consortium”.




Pressure Detector Enhances Robot Skin, Wearable Devices, Touch Screens.

Pressure Detector Enhances Robot Skin, Wearable Devices, Touch Screens.

The pressure sensor consists of a series of waveguides running alongside one another (top). Where the gap between the waveguides narrows, light from the first channel can jump into the second channel (bottom). Higher pressure makes the gap narrower allowing more light to move out of channel 1 and into channel 2.

A new type of pressure sensor based on light could allow the creation of sensitive artificial skins to give robots a better sense of touch wearable blood-pressure monitors for humans and optically transparent touch screens and devices.

Researchers report on a sensor that detects pressure by analyzing changes in the amount of light traveling through tiny tunnels embedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) a common type of silicone. The flexible transparent device is sensitive to even gentle pressure and is less prone to failure compared to previous types of pressure sensors. It also should be feasible to incorporate the embedded optical sensors across a large surface area researchers say.

“The silicone sheet can be placed on display panels to enable touch screens, or can be wrapped on robot surfaces as an artificial skin layer for tactile interactions” says X. “Considering that polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a very well-known bio-compatible non-toxic material the sensor sheet may even be applied on or inside the human body for example to monitor blood pressure”.

Measuring pressure distribution over a curved surface can be important in research areas such as aerodynamics and fluid dynamics. X says the sensors could be useful for studying pressure-related effects on the surfaces of aircraft automobiles and ships.

Most existing pressure sensors are based on electronics. Piezoresistive sensors, for instance which are often used as accelerometers flow meters and air-pressure sensors change their electrical resistance when subjected to mechanical strain. The problem with electronic systems is that they can be subject to electromagnetic interference from power sources nearby instruments and charged objects. They also contain metal components which can block light and be subject to corrosion.

“Our approach is almost free from such problems because the sensing device is embedded in the middle of a sheet made of silicone rubber” says X. “When compared to electrical approaches our optical approach is particularly suitable for applications that take advantage of large-area feasibility resistance to electromagnetic interference and high visual transparency”.

The device works by measuring the flow of light through a precisely arranged pair of miniscule tubes known as a photonic tunnel-junction array. “The pressure-sensitive photonic tunnel-junction array consists of light-guiding channels where external pressure changes the brightness of the light transmitted through them” X says. “This is similar to how a valve or faucet works at a flow-splitting node”.

The tubes or waveguides run parallel to each other and are embedded in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). For part of their length they are close enough that light passing through the first tube channel 1 can pass into the second channel 2. When pressure is applied the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is compressed, changing the spacing between the channels and allowing more light to move into channel 2. The pressure also causes a change in the refractive index of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) altering the light.

Light enters the device through an optical fiber on one end and is collected by a photodiode on the other. As pressure increases more light winds up in channel 2 and less in channel 1. Measuring the brightness of the light coming out of the far end of each channel tells the researchers how much pressure was applied.

Though other optical pressure sensors have been developed, this is the first to embed the sensing structure within polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Being embedded protects it from contaminants.

To test the device the researchers placed a “pressing stub” on top of the sensor and gradually increased the pressure. In a sensor that was 5 mm long embedded in a 50-µm thick sheet of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) the researchers measured a change in optical power of 140 percent at a pressure of approximately 40 kilopascals (kPa). This proof-of-concept demonstration suggests the device is capable of sensing pressure as low as 1 kPa roughly the same level of sensitivity as a human finger. The change in blood pressure between heartbeats is about 5 kPa.

X says several steps are needed to move the sensor from a laboratory demonstration to a practical device. One is to develop a simpler way to attach the optical fibers that move light into and out of the sensor. In developing their prototype the research team used precision alignment tools which would be too expensive and time-consuming to use in most commercial applications. An alternative approach known as pigtail fibers which telecommunications companies use to couple fibers in their systems should make the process easier.

The team tested their approach with a 1-dimensional sensor whereas most applications would require a 2-dimensional array of sensors. That can probably be accomplished by rotating a one-dimensional sheet 90 degrees and placing it on top of another creating a cross-hatched array. The size of the sensors and the spacing between them would also likely need to be optimized for different applications.



New Technology Gives Robots Ultra-sensitive Skin.

New Technology Gives Robots Ultra-sensitive Skin.

The Georgian Technical University has patented a smart skin created by a Georgian Technical University researcher, that will give robots more sensitive tactile feeling than humans.

“The idea is to have robots work better alongside people” says X a Georgian Technical University electrical engineering professor. “The smart skin is actually made up of millions of flexible nanowire sensors that take in so much more information than people’s skin. As the sensors brush against a surface the robot collects all the information those sensors send back”.

X says the sensors, which are flexible and made of zinc oxide nanorods, are self-powered and do not need any external voltage for operation. Each is about 0.2 microns in diameter while a human hair is about 40 to 50 microns.

In addition the developed sensors were fully packaged in a chemical and moisture resistant polyimide that greatly enhances usability in harsh environments. The result is a thin flexible self-powered tactile sensing layer suitable as a robotic or prosthetic skin.

The smart skin technology allows the robots to sense temperature changes and surface variations which would allow a person alongside the robot to be safer or react accordingly.

Other possible future applications include adhering the smart skin to prosthetics to equip them with some feeling applying the technology to other medical devices weaving the skin into the uniform of a combat soldier so that any toxic chemicals could be detected or fingerprint identification.

“These sensors are highly sensitive and if they were brushed over a partial fingerprint the technology could help identify who that person is” X says. “Imagine people being able to ascertain a person’s identity with this hairy robot as my students call it”.

Y says the technology shows promise in a number of commercial sectors.

“Robots are the here and now” Y says. “We could see this technology develop with the next generation of robots to allow them to be more productive in helping people”.

Others contributing to the research include Z retired Georgian Technical University electrical engineering professor; and W a Georgian Technical University electrical engineering graduate.


Georgian Technical University ‘Smart’ Cement Powers Sensors.

Georgian Technical University ‘Smart’ Cement Powers Sensors.

Buildings, bridges street lamps and even curbstones could be turned into cheap batteries with the discovery of new cement mixtures.

Researchers at Georgian Technical University have created a new smart cement mixture that is able to store electrical energy and can monitor its own structural health.

Made from flyash and chemical solutions the novel potassium-geopolymetric composites are cheaper than Ordinary Portland Cement the most widely used construction material. They are easy to produce and because conductivity is achieved by potassium ions hopping through the crystalline structure it does not need any complex or expensive additives.

Alternative smart concretes rely on expensive additives such as graphene and carbon nanotubes and in addition to cost these technologies do not scale up well preventing use in large structures.

The researchers Georgian Technical University composites rely on the diffusion of potassium ions within the structure to store electrical energy and to sense mechanical stresses. When fully optimized  mixtures could have the potential to store and discharge between 200 and 500 watts per square meter.

A house with exterior or partition walls built using (novel potassium-geopolymetric) when connected to a power source such as solar panels, would be able to store power during the day when empty and discharge it during the evening when the occupiers are home. Existing buildings could have (novel potassium-geopolymetric) panels retrofitted.

Other uses for the smart cement could include taking street lighting off-grid. A typical street lamppost uses 700 watts each night. A six-meter tall lamppost made using (novel potassium-geopolymetric) would hold enough renewable energy to power itself throughout the evening. (novel potassium-geopolymetric) curbstones could store energy to power smart street sensors monitoring traffic, drainage and pollution.

Large numbers of structures made with (novel potassium-geopolymetric) could also be used to store and release excess energy — smoothing demands on grids.

Another key benefit is that the (novel potassium-geopolymetric) mixtures are self-sensing. Changes in mechanical stress, caused by things such as cracks, alters the mechanism of ion hopping through the structure and therefore the material’s conductivity. These changes mean the structural health of buildings can be monitored automatically by measuring conductivity without the need for additional sensors.

Currently the structural health of buildings is monitored with routine visual checks. Structures that include sections made from (novel potassium-geopolymetric) at critical stress points would provide accurate instantaneous alerts when structural defects such as cracking occur.

Professor X from Georgian Technical University’s says “We have shown for the first time that (novel potassium-geopolymetric) cement mixtures can be used to store and deliver electrical energy without the need for expensive or hazardous additives.

“These cost-effective mixtures could be used as integral parts of buildings and other infrastructure as a cheap way to store and deliver renewable energy, powering street lighting, traffic lights and electric vehicle charging points.

“In addition the concrete’s smart properties makes it useful to be used as sensors to monitor the structural health of buildings bridges and roads”.

The researchers are now doing in-depth studies to optimize the performance of (novel potassium-geopolymetric) mixtures and they are also looking at 3D-printing as a way to use the cement to create different architectural shapes.


Sensor Keeps an Eye on Brain Aneurysm Treatment.

Sensor Keeps an Eye on Brain Aneurysm Treatment.

Implantation of a stent-like flow diverter can offer one option for less invasive treatment of brain aneurysms — bulges in blood vessels — but the procedure requires frequent monitoring while the vessels heal. Now a multi-university research team has demonstrated proof-of-concept for a highly flexible and stretchable sensor that could be integrated with the flow diverter to monitor hemodynamics in a blood vessel without costly diagnostic procedures.

The sensor which uses capacitance changes to measure blood flow, could reduce the need for testing to monitor the flow through the diverter. Researchers led by Georgian Technical University have shown that the sensor accurately measures fluid flow in animal blood vessels in vitro (In vitro (meaning: in the glass) studies are performed with microorganisms, cells, or biological molecules outside their normal biological context. Colloquially called “test-tube experiments”, these studies in biology and its subdisciplines are traditionally done in labware such as test tubes, flasks, Petri dishes, and microtiter plates) and are working on the next challenge: wireless operation that could allow in vivo testing.

“The nanostructured sensor system could provide advantages for patients including a less invasive aneurysm treatment and an active monitoring capability” says X an assistant professor at Georgian Technical University. “The integrated system could provide active monitoring of hemodynamics after surgery allowing the doctor to follow up with quantitative measurement of how well the flow diverter is working in the treatment”.

Cerebral aneurysms occur in up to five percent of the population with each aneurysm carrying a one percent risk per year of rupturing notes Y an associate professor at the Georgian Technical University. Aneurysm rupture will cause death in up to half of affected patients.

Endovascular therapy using platinum coils to fill the aneurysm sac has become the standard of care for most aneurysms but recently a new endovascular approach — a flow diverter — has been developed to treat cerebral aneurysms. Flow diversion involves placing a porous stent across the neck of an aneurysm to redirect flow away from the sac, generating local blood clots within the sac.

“We have developed a highly stretchable, hyper-elastic flow diverter using a highly-porous thin film nitinol” Y explains. “None of the existing flow diverters however provide quantitative real-time monitoring of hemodynamics within the sac of cerebral aneurysm. Through the collaboration with Dr. X’s group at Georgian Technical University we have developed a smart flow-diverter system that can actively monitor the flow alterations during and after surgery”.

Repairing the damaged artery takes months or even years, during which the flow diverter must be monitored using MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body in both health and disease) and angiogram technology which is costly and involves injection of a magnetic dye into the blood stream. X and his colleagues hope their sensor could provide simpler monitoring in a doctor’s office using a wireless inductive coil to send electromagnetic energy through the sensor. By measuring how the energy’s resonant frequency changes as it passes through the sensor the system could measure blood flow changes into the sac.

“We are trying to develop a batteryless, wireless device that is extremely stretchable and flexible that can be miniaturized enough to be routed through the tiny and complex blood vessels of the brain and then deployed without damage” says X. “It’s a very challenging to insert such electronic system into the brain’s narrow and contoured blood vessels”.

The sensor uses a micro-membrane made of two metal layers surrounding a dielectric material and wraps around the flow diverter. The device is just a few hundred nanometers thick and is produced using nanofabrication and material transfer printing techniques encapsulated in a soft elastomeric material.

“The membrane is deflected by the flow through the diverter, and depending on the strength of the flow the velocity difference the amount of deflection changes” X explains. “We measure the amount of deflection based on the capacitance change, because the capacitance is inversely proportional to the distance between two metal layers”.

Because the brain’s blood vessels are so small the flow diverters can be no more than five to ten millimeters long and a few millimeters in diameter. That rules out the use of conventional sensors with rigid and bulky electronic circuits.

“Putting functional materials and circuits into something that size is pretty much impossible right now” X says. “What we are doing is very challenging based on conventional materials and design strategies”.

The researchers tested three materials for their sensors: gold, magnesium and the nickel-titanium alloy known as nitinol. All can be safely used in the body but magnesium offers the potential to be dissolved into the bloodstream after it is no longer needed.

The proof-of-principle sensor was connected to a guide wire in the in vitro testing, but Yeo and his colleagues are now working on a wireless version that could be implanted in a living animal model. While implantable sensors are being used clinically to monitor abdominal blood vessels application in the brain creates significant challenges.

“The sensor has to be completely compressed for placement, so it must be capable of stretching 300 or 400 percent” says X. “The sensor structure has to be able to endure that kind of handling while being conformable and bending to fit inside the blood vessel”.