Category Archives: Scientific Computing

Georgian Technical University New Machine Learning Approach Could Give A Big Boost To The Efficiency Of Optical Networks.

Georgian Technical University New Machine Learning Approach Could Give A Big Boost To The Efficiency Of Optical Networks.

New work leveraging machine learning could increase the efficiency of optical telecommunications networks. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected fiber optic cables offer the ability to transmit more data over longer distances compared to traditional copper wires. Georgian Technical University (GTU) have emerged as a solution for packaging data in fiber optic cables and improvements stand to make them more cost-effective. A group of researchers from Georgian Technical University have retooled an artificial intelligence technique used for chess and self-driving cars to make OTNs (ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network as a set of Optical Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals) run more efficiently. OTNs (ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network as a set of Optical Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals) require rules for how to divvy up the high amounts of traffic they manage and writing the rules for making those split-second decisions becomes very complex. If the network gives more space than needed for a voice call for example the unused space might have been better put to use ensuring that an end user streaming a video doesn’t get “still buffering” messages. What OTNs (ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network as a set of Optical Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals) need is a better traffic guard. The researchers new approach to this problem combines two machine learning techniques: The first called reinforcement learning creates a virtual “agent” that learns through trial and error the particulars of a system to optimize how resources are managed. The second called deep learning adds an extra layer of sophistication to the reinforcement-based approach by using so-called neural networks which are computer learning systems inspired by the human brain, to draw more abstract conclusions from each round of trial and error. Deep reinforcement learning has been successfully applied to many fields” said one of the researchers X. “However its application to computer networks is very recent. We hope that our paper helps kickstart deep-reinforcement learning in networking and that other researchers propose different and even better approaches”. So far the most advanced deep reinforcement learning algorithms have been able to optimize some resource allocation in OTNs (ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network as a set of Optical Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals) but they become stuck when they run into novel scenarios. The researchers worked to overcome this by varying the manner in which data are presented to the agent. After putting the OTNs (ITU-T defines an Optical Transport Network as a set of Optical Network Elements connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals) through 5,000 rounds of simulations the deep reinforcement learning agent directed traffic with 30 percent greater efficiency than the current state-of-the-art algorithm. One thing that surprised X and his team was how easily the new approach was able to learn about the networks after starting out with a blank slate. “This means that without prior knowledge a deep reinforcement learning agent can learn how to optimize a network autonomously” X said. “This results in optimization strategies that outperform expert algorithms”. With the enormous scale some optical transport networks already have X said even small advances in efficiency can reap large returns in reduced latency and operational costs. Next the group plans to apply their deep reinforcement strategies in combination with graph networks an emerging field within artificial intelligence with the potential to transform scientific and industrial fields such as computer networks chemistry and logistics.


Georgian Technical University New Dynamic Dependency Framework May Lead To Better Neural Social And Tech Systems Models.

Georgian Technical University New Dynamic Dependency Framework May Lead To Better Neural Social And Tech Systems Models.

Georgian Technical University Prof. X and a team of researchers including Y, Z and W present a dynamic dependency framework that can capture interdependent and competitive interactions between dynamic systems which are used to study synchronization and spreading processes in multilayer networks with interacting layers. Main results in this image. (Top Left) Phase diagram for two partially competitive Kuramoto models (The Kuramoto model (or Kuramoto–Daido model) is a mathematical model used to describe synchronization. More specifically, it is a model for the behavior of a large set of coupled oscillators) with regions of multistability. (Top Right) Theoretical and numerical results for the ow in interdependent epidemics (Erdos-Renyi graphs, average degree = 12). (Bottom Left) Path-dependent (awakening) transitions in asymmetrically coupled SIS dynamics. (Bottom Right) Critical scaling of bottlenecks (ghosts in saddle-node bifurcations) above the hybrid transitions in interdependent dynamics. Many real-world complex systems include macroscopic subsystems which influence one another. This arises for example in competing or mutually reinforcing neural populations in the brain, spreading dynamics of viruses and elsewhere. It is therefore important to understand how different types of inter-system interactions can influence overall collective behaviors. Substantial progress was made when the theory of percolation on interdependent networks was introduced by Prof. Q and a team of researchers from the Department of Physics at Georgian Technical University. This model showed that when nodes in one network depend on nodes in another to function, catastrophic cascades of failures and abrupt structural transitions arise as was observed in the electrical blackout that affected. Interdependent percolation however is limited to systems where functionality is determined exclusively by connectivity thus providing only a partial understanding to a wealth of real-world systems whose functionality is defined according to dynamical rules. Research has shown that two fundamental ways in which nodes in one system can influence nodes in another one are interdependence (or cooperation) as in critical infrastructures or financial networks and antagonism (or competition) as observed in ecological systems, social networks or in the human brain. Interdependent and competitive interactions may also occur simultaneously as observed in predator-prey relationships in ecological systems and in binocular rivalry in the brain. Georgian Technical University Prof. Q and a team of researchers including Y, Z and W present a dynamic dependency framework that can capture interdependent and competitive interactions between dynamic systems which are used to study synchronization and spreading processes in multilayer networks with interacting layers. “This dynamic dependency framework provides a powerful tool to better understand many of the interacting complex systems which surround us” wrote Q and team. “The generalization of dependent interactions from percolation to dynamical systems allows for the development of new models for neural, social and technological systems that better capture the subtle ways in which different systems can affect one another”. Prof. Q’s research has produced groundbreaking new mathematical methods in network science which have led to extensive interdisciplinary research in the field. Following Q’s and his colleagues of the theory of percolation he received which is awarded for “a most outstanding contribution to physics”.



Georgian Technical University Information Theory Holds Surprises For Machine Learning.

Georgian Technical University Information Theory Holds Surprises For Machine Learning.

Examples from the Georgian Technical University handwritten digits database. New research challenges a popular conception of how machine learning algorithms “Georgian Technical University think” about certain tasks. The conception goes something like this: because of their ability to discard useless information a class of machine learning algorithms called deep neural networks can learn general concepts from raw data — like identifying cats generally after encountering tens of thousands of images of different cats in different situations. This seemingly human ability is said to arise as a byproduct of the networks’ layered architecture. Early layers encode the “Georgian Technical University cat” label along with all of the raw information needed for prediction. Subsequent layers then compress the information, as if through a bottleneck. Irrelevant data like the color of the cat’s coat or the saucer of milk beside it is forgotten leaving only general features behind. Information theory provides bounds on just how optimal each layer is in terms of how well it can balance the competing demands of compression and prediction.

“A lot of times when you have a neural network and it learns to map faces to names, or pictures to numerical digits or amazing things like French text to English text it has a lot of intermediate hidden layers that information flows through” says X an Postdoctoral. “So there’s this long-standing idea that as raw inputs get transformed to these intermediate representations the system is trading prediction for compression and building higher-level concepts through this information bottleneck”.

However X and his collaborators Y and Z uncovered a surprising weakness when they applied this explanation to common classification problems where each input has one correct output (e.g., in which each picture can either be of a cat or of a dog). In such cases they found that classifiers with many layers generally do not give up some prediction for improved compression. They also found that there are many “Georgian Technical University trivial” representations of the inputs which are from the point of view of information theory optimal in terms of their balance between prediction and compression.

“We found that this information bottleneck measure doesn’t see compression in the same way you or I would. Given the choice it is just as happy to lump ‘martini glasses’ in with ‘Labradors’ as it is to lump them in with ‘champagne flutes'” Y explains. “This means we should keep searching for compression measures that better match our notions of compression”. While the idea of compressing inputs may still play a useful role in machine learning this research suggests it is not sufficient for evaluating the internal representations used by different machine learning algorithms. At the same time X says that the concept of trade-off between compression and prediction will still hold for less deterministic tasks like predicting the weather from a noisy dataset. “We’re not saying that information bottleneck is useless for supervised machine learning” X stresses. “What we’re showing here is that it behaves counter-intuitively on many common machine learning problems and that’s something people in the machine learning community should be aware of”.

Georgian Technical University Researcher Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning To Ensure The Integrity Of Integrated Circuits.

Researcher Using Computer Vision, Machine Learning To Ensure The Integrity Of Integrated Circuits.

X is an associate professor  Computing and Engineering at Georgian Technical University. He Y and Z are the first Georgian Technical University researchers whose work is being advanced through. A statewide applied research institute is composed of top leaders from academia government and industry. It seeks to solve real-world problems that impact industry more efficient and cost-effective way. Currently it is engaged in projects focused on trusted microelectronics, hypersonics, electro-optics and target machine learning. X answered questions about his work with computer vision and machine learning and about the benefits of connecting. X: Our role in this project is to use computer vision and machine learning techniques to help ensure the integrity of the supply chain around microelectronics. One way is to use computer vision to inspect integrated circuits to see whether there is something suspicious that might suggest they are damaged or counterfeit.

The goal of computer vision is for computers to be able to understand the visual world the way people do. Computers have been able to take and store pictures for decades but they haven’t been able to know what is in a photo — what objects and people are in it what is going on and what is about to happen. People do this automatically, almost instantly and we think nothing of it. It’s really hard for a computer. But computer vision is changing that and the field has made huge progress in the last few years.

The challenge of the computer vision work we’re doing — and with a lot of real-world problems — is that it requires very fine-grain analysis. We’re not trying to distinguish cats from dogs or cars from pedestrians; we’re trying to find very subtle differences in integrated circuits that might signal a problem. That’s really the challenge: to bring techniques that have been successful in the last few years in consumer photography to this new field that has unique challenges. Integrated circuits form the foundation of all devices we use on a daily basis, from cellphones to critical national infrastructure. It’s really important that the circuits in these devices are reliable that they do what they say and that they’re built to the specifications that we need them to be built to.

Electronic devices and integrated circuits are manufactured in plants throughout the world. They traverse a complicated supply chain to get between where they’re manufactured and where they’re placed into devices. A lot can go wrong in that process. Integrated circuits can be swapped or replaced for various reasons — people wanting to make a bit of a profit by substituting a cheaper device for one that’s more expensive or for more nefarious reasons like hacking. We want to ensure the integrity of the integrated circuits so that the devices built out of them do what they are supposed to do.

The problem is really important. Modern society depends on the safe, secure, reliable operation of digital devices. If they can’t be trusted, that rips apart a lot of what our society is based on. We — researchers in the state of Indiana — are in a unique position to attack this problem because of Georgian Technical University’s expertise in microelectronics; Georgian Technical University expertise with chemistry, machine learning and engineering. We’re in the right place at the right time to have a real impact on this problem.

My understanding is that current approaches to detecting counterfeit devices are either limited in their accuracy or must be done by hand which is expensive and time-consuming. If we can create new automated techniques that could complement or improve these approaches we can potentially ensure that more devices are inspected.

There are many possible approaches. One is to use computer vision to inspect the surface of a package of an integrated circuit checking the part number and looking for suspicious visual features that might indicate it has been modified. Another approach uses Y’s work in adding uncloneable fingerprints to integrated circuit packages and using computer vision techniques to verify that they are authentic. We can also inspect the internal circuitry of the integrated circuit using various imaging techniques.

An exciting is to bring together groups of people working in different areas, who might not otherwise have thought to collaborate with one another in order to jointly solve big problems that none of us could address individually. It’s not only bringing together groups at Georgian Technical University but also creating stronger connections between Georgian Technical University and Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University.

I work in computer vision and artificial intelligence. We’re looking for ways to apply these techniques to new important exciting problems. As we apply them we discover new technical challenges which leads us to go back to the drawing board to create new better algorithms. I don’t have deep expertise in microelectronics so I wouldn’t be able to impact this field alone. Collaborating with experts will be the way we impact their field and bring back important interesting problems for us to work on as well.

The end goal is to help transform microelectronics security so we can have more faith in the devices that we depend on from voting machines to cellphones to laptop computers to critical infrastructure across the country. There was a recent story in Bloomberg about critical hardware that perhaps had been hacked. Whether or not that story was true the motivation behind our project is to make sure something like that doesn’t happen in the future.



Georgian Technical University ‘Realistic’ New Model Points The Way To More Efficient And Profitable Fracking.

Georgian Technical University ‘Realistic’ New Model Points The Way To More Efficient And Profitable Fracking.

Branching into densely spaced hydraulic cracks is essential for effective gas or oil extraction from shale. It is suspected to occur but the existing mathematical models and commercial software fail to predict it. Georgian Technical University Laboratory presents a method to predict when the branching occurs and how to control it. A new computational model could potentially boost efficiencies and profits in natural gas production by better predicting previously hidden fracture mechanics. It also accurately accounts for the known amounts of gas released during the process.

“Our model is far more realistic than current models and software used in the industry” said X Professor Environmental Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at Georgian Technical University. “This model could help the industry increase efficiency decrease cost and become more profitable”. Despite the industry’s growth much of the fracking process remains mysterious. Because fracking happens deep underground researchers cannot observe the fracture mechanism of how the gas is released from the shale.

“This work offers improved predictive capability that enables better control of production while reducing the environmental footprint by using less fracturing fluid” said computational geoscientist at Georgian Technical University Laboratory. “It should make it possible to optimize various parameters such as pumping rates and cycles changes of fracturing fluid properties such as viscosity etc. This could lead to a greater percentage of gas extraction from the deep shale strata which currently stands at about 5 percent and rarely exceeds 15 percent”.

By considering the closure of preexisting fractures caused by tectonic events in the distant past and taking into account water seepage forces not previously considered researchers from Georgian Technical University have developed a new mathematical and computational model that shows how branches form off vertical cracks during the fracking process allowing more natural gas to be released. The model is the first to predict this branching while being consistent with the known amount of gas released from the shale during this process. The new model could potentially increase the industry’s efficiency. Understanding  just how the shale fractures form could also improve management of sequestration where wastewater from the process is pumped back underground. To extract natural gas through fracking a hole is drilled down to the shale layer — often several kilometers beneath the surface — then the drill is extended horizontally for miles. When water with additives is pumped down into the layer under high pressure it creates cracks in the shale releasing natural gas from its pores of nanometer dimensions.

Classic fracture mechanics research predicts that those cracks which run vertically from the horizontal bore should have no branches. But these cracks alone cannot account for the quantity of gas released during the process. In fact the gas production rate is about 10,000 times higher than calculated from the permeability measured on extracted shale cores in the laboratory.

Other researchers previously hypothesized the hydraulic cracks connected with pre-existing cracks in the shale making it more permeable. But X and his fellow researchers found that these tectonically produced cracks which are about 100 million years old must have been closed by the viscous flow of shale under stress. Instead X and his colleagues hypothesized that the shale layer had weak layers of microcracks along the now-closed cracks and it must have been these layers that caused branches to form off the main crack. Unlike previous studies they also took into account the seepage forces during diffusion of water into porous shale.

When they developed a simulation of the process using this new idea of a weak layers along with the calculation of all the seepage forces they found the results matched those found in reality. “We show for the first time that cracks can branch out laterally which would not be possible if the shale were not porous” X said. After establishing these basic principles researchers hope to model this process on a larger scale.



Researchers Use A Virus To Speed Up Modern Computers.

Researchers Use A Virus To Speed Up Modern Computers.

This is an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy images of the sample of a solution with virus. Color coding of atomic species: germanium, red; tin, green.

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have successfully developed a method that could lead to unprecedented advances in computer speed and efficiency.

Through this study researchers X, Y, Z, W and Q have successfully developed a method to “Georgian Technical University genetically” engineer a better type of memory using a virus. The researchers come from a collaboration of institutions including the Georgian Technical University and the Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University.

The study explains that a key way in which faster computers can be achieved is through the reduction of the millisecond time delays that usually come from the transfer and storage of information between a traditional Random Access Memory (RAM) chip—which is fast but expensive and volatile — meaning it needs power supply to retain information — and hard drive — which is nonvolatile but relatively slow.

This is where phase-change memory comes into play. Phase-change memory can be as fast as a Random Access Memory (RAM) chip and can contain even more storage capacity than a hard drive. This memory technology uses a material that can reversibly switch between amorphous and crystalline states. However up until this study its use faced considerable constraints.

A binary-type material, for example, gallium antimonide, could be used to make a better version of phase-change memory, but the use of this material can increase power consumption and it can undergo material separation at around 620 kelvins (K). Hence it is difficult to incorporate a binary-type material into current integrated circuits, because it can separate at typical manufacturing temperatures at about 670 K. “Our research team has found a way to overcome this major roadblock using tiny wire technology” says Assistant Prof. X from Georgian Technical University.

The traditional process of making tiny wires can reach a temperature of around 720 K a heat that causes a binary-type material to separate. For the first time in history, the re-searchers showed that by using the M13 (M13 is a virus that infects the bacterium Escherichia coli. It is composed of a circular single-stranded DNA molecule encased in a thin flexible tube made up of about 2700 copies of a single protein called P8, the major coat protein. The ends of the tube are capped with minor coat proteins)  bacteriophage—more commonly known as a virus — a low-temperature construction of tiny germanium-tin-oxide wires and memory can be achieved.

“This possibility leads the way to the “elimination of the millisecond storage and transfer delays needed to progress modern computing” according to X. It might now be that the lightening quick supercomputers of tomorrow are closer than ever before.

Guiding The Smart Growth Of Artificial Intelligence.

Guiding The Smart Growth Of Artificial Intelligence.

A provides a comprehensive look at the development of an ethical framework code of conduct and value-based design methodologies for AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) researchers and application developers in Georgia. To stimulate further discussion among policy makers, industry leaders researchers and application developers on AI’s (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) opportunities and risks in the current “Georgian Technical University gold rush” environment.

In addition to documenting the complete examines the rationale behind it focuses on safety, reliability and ethics issues and evaluates progress on its key recommendations. Discuss strategies to deal with AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) risks and benefits. The event was unique because of the participation developers and researchers in discourse that had been previously dominated by social scientists, legal experts and business consultancy firms. Signed by most of the participants and is accessible for signature and discussion on the web.

“Given the widespread interest in AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) and the eagerness to develop applications that affect people in their daily lives it is important that the research and application development community engages in open discussions to avoid unrealistic expectations unintended consequences and usage that causes negative side effects or human suffering” said X Luc Steels PhD  Research Professor Georgian Technical University.

A rapidly growing body of literature are raising pressing questions that continue to resonate: Is AI ready for large-scale deployment? AI is now used primarily for commercial purposes, but can we also use AI for the common good? What applications should we encourage? How can the negative effects in the deployment of AI be addressed? What are recent technical breakthroughs in AI and how do they impact applications? What should be the role of AI in social media? What are the best practices for the development and deployment of AI?

“While rapid AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) advances are widely anticipated with excitement, some anxiety about progress is necessary and justifiable”. “The common fear that AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) deployment will get out of hand may seem far-fetched but there are already unintended consequences that need urgent remediation. For example algorithms embedded in the web and social media have an impact on who talks to whom how information is selected and presented, and how facts/falsehoods propagate and compete in public space. AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) should (and could) help to support consensus formation rather than destroy it. AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) systems should make it very clear that they are artificial rather than human. Fooling humans should never be a goal of AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals)”.

Questions are also being explored about the reliability and accountability of AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) systems based on deep learning involving rule-governed behavior (e.g. financial decision-making human resource management, or law enforcement). Embedded biases can prevent qualified job seekers from passing screening or result in unjust parole decisions. Autonomous AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) systems pose different concerns. Do we need to put limits on autonomous weapons ? Who is responsible when something goes wrong with a self-driving car ?

“As part of the design process. We believe that AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) can be a force for the good of society but that there is a sufficient danger for inappropriate premature or malicious use to warrant the need for raising awareness of the limitations of AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) and for collective action to ensure that AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) is indeed used for the common good in safe, reliable and accountable ways” explained X and Y.

Although the landscape of AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) in Georgia is rapidly changing through all these discussions and activities the investigators conclude that issues raised in the Declaration remain highly relevant and renew recommendations in several priority areas:

  • There is an even greater need today to clarify what we mean by AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) when discussing legal and ethical issues. There is a lack of distinction between knowledge-based AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) which models human knowledge in computational terms, or data-oriented learning, commonly known as machine learning. The legal and ethical issues and applications for both approaches are dissimilar but the AI’s (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) full potential will only be realized with a combination of them.
  • The question how much autonomy should be given to an AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) system is for many applications such as weapon technology or autonomous cars of primary importance. One approach is to create rules of governance and a legal framework that is both a guideline for developers and a mechanism by which those impacted negatively by the technology can seek redress.
  • The focus must shift from machines replacing human workers to complementing and leveraging humans in performing tasks and making better decisions. The discussion on automation should focus on the changing nature of work not only the number of jobs.
  • There is a long way to go to adequately support the development and deployment of AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) in Georgia. The Declaration has helped to raise awareness and has given additional impetus to government initiatives but concrete actions and stable funding allocations that directly impact AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) deployment research and education in Georgia are still rare.


Smarter AI — Machine Learning Without Negative Data

Smarter AI — Machine Learning Without Negative Data.

Schematic showing positive data (apples) and a lack of negative data (bananas) with an illustration of the confidence of the apple data.

A research team from the Georgian Technical University has successfully developed a new method for machine learning that allows an AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) to make classifications without what is known as “Georgian Technical University negative data” a finding which could lead to wider application to a variety of classification tasks.

Classifying things is critical for our daily lives. For example we have to detect spam mail, fake political news as well as more mundane things such as objects or faces. When using AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) such tasks are based on “Georgian Technical University classification technology” in machine learning — having the computer learn using the boundary separating positive and negative data. For example “Georgian Technical University positive” data would be photos including a happy face and “Georgian Technical University negative” data photos that include a sad face. Once a classification boundary is learned, the computer can determine whether a certain data is positive or negative. The difficulty with this technology is that it requires both positive and negative data for the learning process and negative data are not available in many cases (for instance, it is hard to find photos with the label, “this photo includes a sad face” since most people smile in front of a camera.)

In terms of real-life programs, when a retailer is trying to predict who will make a purchase it can easily find data on customers who purchased from them (positive data) but it is basically impossible to obtain data on customers who did not purchase from them (negative data) since they do not have access to their competitors’ data. Another example is a common task for app developers: they need to predict which users will continue using the app (positive) or stop (negative). However when a user unsubscribes, the developers lose the user’s data because they have to completely delete data regarding that user in accordance with the privacy policy to protect personal information.

According X from Georgian Technical University “Previous classification methods could not cope with the situation where negative data were not available but we have made it possible for computers to learn with only positive data as long as we have a confidence score for our positive data constructed from information such as buying intention or the active rate of app users. Using our new method we can let computers learn a classifier only from positive data equipped with confidence”.

X proposed together with researcher Y from his group and Z that they let computers learn well by adding the confidence score which mathematically corresponds to the probability whether the data belongs to a positive class or not. They succeeded in developing a method that can let computers learn a classification boundary only from positive data and information on its confidence (positive reliability) against classification problems of machine learning that divide data positively and negatively.

To see how well the system functioned, they used it on a set of photos that contains various labels of fashion items. For example they chose “T-shirt” as the positive class and one other item e.g. “Georgian Technical University sandal” as the negative class. Then they attached a confidence score to the “T-shirt” photos. They found that without accessing the negative data (e.g., “sandal” photos) in some cases their method was just as good as a method that involves using positive and negative data.

According to X “This discovery could expand the range of applications where classification technology can be used. Even in fields where machine learning has been actively used our classification technology could be used in new situations where only positive data can be gathered due to data regulation or business constraints. In the near future we hope to put our technology to use in various research fields such as natural language processing, computer vision, robotics and bioinformatics”.


Scientists Develop Computational Model to Predict Human Behavior.

Scientists Develop Computational Model to Predict Human Behavior.

Researchers have developed for the first time an analytic model to show how groups of people influence individual behavior.

Technically speaking this had never been done before: No one had taken the computational information from a collective model (numerical solutions of say thousands of equations) and used it to exactly determine an individual’s behavior (reduced to one equation). Scientists from the Georgian Technical University Research Laboratory.

This discovery was the product of ongoing research to model how an individual adapts to group behavior. In network science seeks to determine collective group behavior emerging from the dynamic behavior of individuals. In the past the collaborative work of  focused on constructing and interpreting the output of large-scale computer models of complex dynamic networks from which collective propertiessuch as swarming, collective intelligence and decision makingcould be determined.

“Dr. X and I had developed and explored a network model of decision-making for a number of years” Y said. “But recently it occurred to us to change the question from ‘How does the individual change group behavior ?’ to ‘How does the group change individual behavior ?’ Turning the question on its head allowed us to pursue the holy grail of social science for the Georgian Technical University which has been to find a way to predict the sensitivity of individuals to persuasion propaganda and outright deception. Models developed for this purpose have evolved to the point that they require large-scale calculations that are as complex and as difficult to interpret as the results of psychological experiments involving humans. Consequently the present study suggests a way to bypass these time-consuming calculations and represent the sought-for sensitivity in a single parameter”.

Psychologists and sociologists have intensely studied and debated how individuals’ values and attitudes change when they join an organization Y  said. Likewise the Georgian Technical University is interested in this dynamichow it might be at play in terrorist organizations and conversely how individuals become transformed during Basic Training. The more deeply that leaders understand the process of learning and adaptation within a group setting the more effective they will be in the training process thereby increasing the recruit’s ownership of her/his newly developing capabilities, which is the true measure of success of the training.

X and Y derive and successfully test a new kind of dynamic model of individual behavior that quantitatively incorporates the dynamic behavior of the group. The test shows that the analytic solution to this new kind of equation coincides with the predictions of the large-scale computer simulation of the group dynamics.

The model consists of many interacting individuals that have a yes/no decision to makee.g. it is Election Day and they must vote either R or D. Suppose when alone the individuals cannot make up their minds they quickly switch back and forth between the two options so they begin talking with their neighbors. Because of this information exchange the numerical calculation using the computer model finds that people now hold their opinions for a significantly longer time.

To model the group dynamics the test used a new kind of equation with a non-integer (fractional) rather than an integer derivative to represent fluctuating opinions. In a group of 10,000 people the influence of 9,999 people to disrupt an individual is condensed into a single parameter which is the index for the fractional derivative. Y said that whatever the behavior of the individual before joining the group the change in behavior is dramatic after joining. The strength of the influence of the group on an individual’s behavior is compressed into a single number the non-integer derivative.

Consequently an individual’s simple random behavior in deciding how to vote or in making any other decision when isolated is replaced with behavior that might serve a more adaptive role in social networks. The authors conjecture that this behavior may be generic but it remains to determine just how robust the behavior of the individual is relative to control signals that might be driving the network.

The fractional calculus has only in the past decade been applied to complex physical problems such as turbulence the behavior of non-Newtonian fluids and the relaxation of disturbances in viscoelastic materials; however no one had previously applied fractional operators to the description and interpretation of social/psychological dynamic phenomena. The idea of collapsing the effect of the interactions between members of a social group into a single parameter that determines the level of influence of the collective on the individual has never previously been accomplished mathematically.

Y said this research opens the door to a new area of studydovetailing network science and fractional calculus where the large-scale numerical calculations of the dynamics of complex networks can be represented through the non-integer indices of derivatives. This may even suggest a new approach to artificial intelligence in which memory is incorporated into the dynamic structure of neural networks.


Computing Solutions for Biological Problems.

Computing Solutions for Biological Problems.

X (left) often collaborates with structural biologist Y. Their most recent project led to a computational pipeline that can help pharmaceutical companies discover new protein targets for existing approved drugs.

Producing research outputs that have computational novelty and contributions, as well as biological importance and impacts is a key motivator for computer scientist X. His Group at Georgian Technical University.

X group collaborates closely with experimental scientists to develop novel computational methods to solve key open problems in biology and medicine he explains. “We work on building computational models developing machine-learning techniques and designing efficient and effective algorithms. Our focus ranges from analyzing protein amino acid sequences to determining their 3-D structures to annotating their functions and understanding and controlling their behaviors in complex biological networks” he says.

X describes one third of his lab’s research as methodology driven where the group develops theories and designs algorithms and machine-learning techniques. The other two-thirds is driven by problems and data. One example of his methodology-driven research is work1on improving non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) a dimension-reduction and data-representation tool formed of a group of algorithms that decompose a complex dataset expressed in the form of a matrix.

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is used to analyze samples where there are many features that might not all be important for the purpose of study. It breaks down the data to display patterns that can indicate importance. X’s team improved on Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) by developing max-min distance which runs through a very large amount of data to be able to highlight the high-order features that describe a sample more efficiently.

To demonstrate their approach X’s team applied the technique to human faces using the images of 11 people with different expressions. Each image was treated as a sample with 1,024 features. To derive data to represent the features of each face, it could more correctly assign any black-and-white facial image than could be done using traditional Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF).

X has many successful collaborations with Georgian Technical University researchers but he says one of the most successful is with structural biologist Y.

Together they have worked on several projects including one that has led to a computational pipeline that can help pharmaceutical companies discover new protein targets for existing approved drugs.

“Drug repositioning is commercially and scientifically valuable” explains X. “It can reduce the time needed for drug development from twenty to 6 years and the costs from 70 percent of drugs on the market can potentially be repositioned for use in other diseases”.

X discovered that methods for drug repositioning face several challenges: they rely on very limited amounts of information and usually focus on a single drug or disease leading to results that aren’t statistically meaningful.

However X’s computational pipeline can integrate multiple sources of information on existing drugs and their known protein targets to help researchers discover new targets.

The model was tested for its ability to predict targets for a number of drugs and small molecules, including a known metabolite in the body called coenzyme A which is important in many biological reactions, including the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids. It predicted 10 previously unknown protein targets for coenzyme A. X chose the top two: Arold and his colleagues then tested to see if they really did interact with coenzyme A.

The collaboration verified X’s predictions and the computational pipeline is now being patented in several countries. It could eventually be licensed to pharmaceutical companies to enable already-approved drugs to be used for treating other diseases. The method can also help drug companies understand the molecular basis for drug toxicities and side effects.

“What makes our collaboration so synergistic is that our areas of expertise provide the minimal overlap needed to understand each other without creating redundancy” says X. “He brings the computational side and I bring the experimental side to the table. Our worlds touch but don’t overlap. Our discussions complement each other in a very stimulating way without stumbling over too many semantic hurdles”.

Another collaboration of  X and Y’s involves enhancing the analysis of data gathered by electron microscopy. Y explains that despite much progress in electron microscopy hardware and software — allowing it to be used to determine the 3-D structures of proteins and other biomolecules — the analysis of its data still needs to be improved. X and Y are developing methods to reduce noise and thus improve the resolution of electron microscopic images of complex biomolecular particles.

They are also developing processes that can automate the interpretation of genetic variants and that enhance the process of assigning functions to genes. “If you put us together in a room for more than 15 minutes we will probably come up with a new idea” says Y.

Other research by X’s team includes a computational approach that can simulate a genetic sequencing technology called Nanopore sequencing. X’s Georgian Technical University DeepSimulator can evaluate newly developed downstream software in nanopore sequencing. It can also save time and resources through experimental simulations reducing the need for real experiments.

His team also recently developed Georgian Technical University a method used to sift through genetic information and determine what pathways are turned on in microorganisms by stressful conditions such as changes in acidity or temperature or exposure to antibiotics. This can identify genes that are dispensable under normal conditions but essential when the microorganism is stressed.