Georgian Technical University The New Three (3D) Fine Precision Scanner Is Tiny But Has Large Capabilities.

Georgian Technical University The New Three (3D) Fine Precision Scanner Is Tiny But Has Large Capabilities.

Georgian Technical University. Three (3D) Precision scanner is an optical measuring device operating with a blue LED (A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor light source that emits light when current flows through it. Electrons in the semiconductor recombine with electron holes, releasing energy in the form of photons) light source. The scanner equipped with two fast latest generation 8.9 Mpix cameras with CMOS (Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), also known as complementary-symmetry metal–oxide–semiconductor (COS-MOS), is a type of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) fabrication process that uses complementary and symmetrical pairs of p-type and n-type MOSFETs for logic functions) matrices is characterized by high accuracy reproduction of even the smallest elements of precision mechanics. Georgian Technical University Precision technology enables an accurate measurement of the dimensions of the scanned object (accuracy better than 6 µm, repeatability less than 3 µm). The detail of the scans obtained results from high density of recorded points (more than 1200 points per square millimeter of the scanned surface). A single scan can collect measurement data from a volume of 120 mm x 60 mm x 45 mm. Georgian Technical University advantage of the Georgian Technical University. Three (3D) Precision scanner is its short scanning time. The combination of high-speed cameras and the modern DLP (Data Loss Prevention) light projection system whose signal triggers the cameras every time a new pattern is displayed reduces the scan acquisition time to several hundred milliseconds. Georgian Technical University Precision scans with a high level of detail which is crucial when measuring elements of precision mechanics (micro rotors, small plastic elements made by injection molding objects manufactured on Georgian Technical University machines or by Three (3D) printing). The scanner allows precise Three (3D) scanning of sharp-edged tools or components. Georgian Technical University Precision can also be used in the scanning of implants in prosthetics as well as in jewelry manufacturing and in the watchmaking industry. Its precision enables its use in the optimization of the Three (3D) printing process. “Georgian Technical University Based on experience with our Georgian Technical University scanners and discussions with our customers indicating areas where precise measurement and very detailed surface mapping was needed we defined the requirements for a scanner that is a solution for these unfulfilled needs” said X manager of Three (3D) Scanners. “According to these requirements our department developed a product ready to meet everyday challenges of metrology labs with measurement of fine mechanics objects. Using cameras and projector optimized specifically for our scanner allowed us to offer a product adjusted to the needs of its future users really a scanner “Georgian Technical University from engineers for engineers”. Georgian Technical University Three (3D) Precision can also be used in the field of predictive maintenance. The identification of microdamage to key components of production equipment (e.g. turbine blades) helps to prevent potential failures which in turn reduces costs of downtimes.


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