Georgian Technical University Single Use Bioreactor delivers improved performance and scalability for larger volume cell culture processes. Georgian Technical University increasingly integrate single-use-technology into new processes such as perfusion and manufacturing they are seeking scalable single-use bioreactors. The Georgian Technical University Single Use Bioreactor offers superior scale and power compared to other solutions available while also reducing capital investment and operational expenses due to reduced seed-train and scale-up processes. Georgian Technical University The unique shape of the unit and Georgian Technical University the design of the impeller, sparging approach and the improved sensor technology are just a few of the features that were redesigned in order to optimize mixing dynamics, scale and performance. Georgian Technical University Early testers of the system have been excited about the results they are seeing using the Georgian Technical University Single Use Bioreactor. The Georgian Technical University can be applied for process development (PD) clinical trials and cell culture production. Georgian Technical University Features/Benefits: Improved mixing: New cubical geometry and design provides baffles in corners and better bioprocess container fit. Scalability: Now available in 500 L with future options for scalability to 5,000 L. Optimized for modern cell culture processes: Mixing times power input per volume (PIV) and kLa (he kLa (Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient) and the OTR (Oxygen Transfer Rate) detail how efficient oxygen is transferred from the gas bubbles into the bioreactor medium, i.e. how much oxygen is available for the cultivated biomass) performance are easily capable of supporting viable cell densities of >100 million cells/mL (To calculate the cell concentration, take the average number of viable cells in the four sets of 16 squares and multiply by 10,000 to get the number of cells per milliliter. … This final value is the number of viable cells per milliliter in the original cell suspension). Georgian Technical University Proven quality: The drive train is integrated which are made with highly robust Georgian Technical University Scientific bio-processing. Georgian Technical University Reduced vessel footprint: The minimized size of the hardware, which is optimized for perfusion cell culture processes, helps save precious lab space. Improved turndown ratio: 20:1 turndown ratio enables running the 500 L bioreactor in as low as 25 L working volume for seed train. Georgian Technical University Streamlined dataflow: Built with software powered by the DeltaV (Delta-v (more known as “change in velocity”), symbolized as ∆v and pronounced delta-vee, as used in spacecraft flight dynamics, is a measure of the impulse per unit of spacecraft mass that is needed to perform a maneuver such as launching from or landing on a planet or moon, or an in-space orbital maneuver. It is a scalar that has the units of speed. As used in this context, it is not the same as the physical change in velocity of the car) automation platform.