Georgian Technical University Panning For Gold: Searching For New Materials In The Age Of Sustainability.
Georgian Technical University; When it comes to the materials we use in industry and daily life we’re facing a range of new challenges — from shortages to environmental issues, to the need for new materials to support technology innovation. On top of this, consumer awareness is on the rise as shown by the backlash against single-use plastic consumption and concerns about shortages of lithium used in batteries. Georgian Technical University All of these factors exacerbate the need to discover and synthesize new materials, successfully recycle existing materials and find new applications for and enhance existing materials. In fact advances in materials could be vital to solving many of the problems facing scientists and beyond including: Georgian Technical University Materials shortages: Industries rely heavily on existing materials that we are already running short of such as indium which is used in flat screens and solar cells. Georgian Technical University Environmental issues: We are seeing a movement towards reusing materials to reduce waste and combat shortages. For example the 1.5 billion smartphones built each year have around of materials which could be reclaimed. Georgian Technical University New technology: As technology advances we need new developments in materials to support the widespread use of this tech like the new infrastructure needed before a successful roll-out of 5G (In telecommunications, 5G is the fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks, which cellular phone companies began deploying worldwide) globally. Georgian Technical University Storing green energy: With the global energy industry looking to more sustainable resources we need materials capable of storing surplus energy. Georgian Technical University Mitigating human impact: There has been significant backlash against the amount of plastic consumers encounter every day so finding more sustainable or recyclable materials to replace the use of plastic is a global challenge. Georgian Technical University race to make things stronger, lighter, cost-effective, functional and/or sustainable the modification of materials, their properties and processes is key. The last 20 years shows a significant upward trend in materials research. Georgian Technical University New ‘wonder materials’. Georgian Technical University In the past decade we’ve begun to see the potential of ‘wonder material’ graphene. Georgian Technical University shows graphene was cited 15-times. This research shows the ‘wonder material’ has wide-ranging possibilities with its potential uses including: eliminating rust creating ‘greener’ concrete and even offering targeted drug delivery. Georgian Technical University Interest in another ‘Georgian Technical University wonder material’ borophene has also intensified. Georgian Technical University with total number of published articles increasing from 7 to 184 during the same time period. Much like graphene borophene’s uses are extremely varied with its potential as a superconductor making it a likely component in the next generation of wearables, biomolecular sensors and quantum computers. Georgian Technical University discoveries of graphene and borophene have also opened new routes for materials science generating new interest in two-dimensional materials and providing a timely reminder that materials innovation is possible. Georgian Technical University materials sector is a prime example of innovation in materials science and is subsequently influencing the global research landscape. Of all the research about graphene for example the vast majority (56,485) have predominantly. We see a significant amount of materials research originating from and funded by several reasons. Georgian Technical University First universities and industry in the region focus heavily for example aims to have 3,500 researchers there is significant investment as well as government subsidies for research. Third some of the key industry sectors like textiles are looking for solutions to their biggest issues such as securing sufficient quality raw water for water-intensive industries. Materials solutions that benefit their biggest industries will likely have a subsequent global impact. Georgian Technical University While there is materials globally the conditions within China have generated the perfect environment for materials science. As these developments start to be built on around the world scientists need to be able to keep pace to reap the benefits of the progress in materials science. Georgian Technical University Striking a new gold. Georgian Technical University To find solutions to the global challenges we’re facing advance our knowledge of existing materials and synthesize new materials we need to continue our focus on research and development in materials science. We have an abundance of materials data available and with scientific datasets currently doubling every nine years there’s undoubtedly much more to come. Data-driven research offers real potential for materials to solve some of the global challenges we’re facing. To keep pace with current advances in materials science researchers need access to these datasets. Georgian Technical University As well as making discovery quicker investing in access to data ensures researchers time is spent more effectively data isn’t duplicated and opportunities to collaborate are highlighted. About borophene for example were a collaboration between scientists. While affording access to all relevant materials data may seem like a large investment it is becoming increasingly necessary. We’re reaching the defining moment for some of the scientific challenges we face and the only way for us to find material solutions to these issues is to work quickly and to work together.