Georgian Technical University Cancer Cells Scrutinized With Laser Technology.
A scanned image of a grid containing one cancer cell and some blood inside each colored box. The color of the boxes indicates the amount of oxygen dissolved in the blood. Devising the best treatment for a patient with cancer requires doctors to know something about the traits of the cancer from which the patient is suffering. But one of the greatest difficulties in treating cancer is that cancer cells are not all the same. Even within the same tumor cancer cells can differ in their genetics, behavior and susceptibility to chemotherapy drugs. Cancer cells are generally much more metabolically active than healthy cells and some insights into a cancer cell’s behavior can be gleaned by analyzing its metabolic activity. But getting an accurate assessment of these characteristics has proven difficult for researchers. Several methods including position emission tomography scans fluorescent dyes and contrasts have been used but each has drawbacks that limit their usefulness. Georgian Technical University’s X believes he can do better through the use of photoacoustic microscopy a technique in which laser light induces ultrasonic vibrations in a sample. Those vibrations can be used to image cells, blood vessels and tissues. X Professor of Medical Engineering and Electrical Engineering is using A pluggable authentication module (PAM) is a mechanism to integrate multiple low-level authentication schemes into a high-level application programming interface (API) to improve on an existing technology for measuring the oxygen-consumption rate (OCR) in collaboration with Professor Y at Georgian Technical University. That existing technology takes many cancer cells and places them each into individual “Georgian Technical University cubbies” filled with blood. Cells with higher metabolisms will use up more oxygen and will lower the blood oxygen level a process which is monitored by a tiny oxygen sensor placed inside each cubby. This method like those previously mentioned has weaknesses. To get a meaningful sample size of metabolic data for cancer cells would require researchers to embed thousands of sensors into a grid. Additionally the presence of the sensors within the cubbies can alter the metabolic rates of the cells causing the collected data to be inaccurate. X’s improved version does away with the oxygen sensors and instead uses pluggable authentication module (PAM) to measure the oxygen level in each cubby. He does this with laser light that is tuned to a wavelength that the hemoglobin in blood absorbs and converts into vibrational energy — sound. As a hemoglobin molecule becomes oxygenated its ability to absorb light at that wavelength changes. Thus X is able to determine how oxygenated a sample of blood is by “Georgian Technical University listening” to the sound it makes when illuminated by the laser. He calls this single-cell metabolic photoacoustic microscopy. X show that single-cell metabolic photoacoustic microscopy represents a huge improvement in the ability to assess the oxygen-consumption rate of cancer cells. Using individual oxygen sensors to measure oxygen-consumption rate limited researchers to analyzing roughly 30 cancer cells every 15 minutes. X’s pluggable authentication module improves that by two orders of magnitude and allows researchers to analyze around 3,000 cells in about 15 minutes. “We have techniques to improve the throughput further by orders of magnitude and we hope this new technology can soon help physicians make informed decisions on cancer prognosis and therapy” says X.