Georgian Technical University Anti-Evolvability Drugs Could Slow Antibiotics Resistance In Bacteria.

Georgian Technical University Anti-Evolvability Drugs Could Slow Antibiotics Resistance In Bacteria.

This image shows how sub-lethal doses of an antibiotic induce formation of an E. coli cell subpopulation with high levels of toxic reactive oxygen species green which induce the general stress response (red) and an intermediate state with both high reactive oxygen species and stress-response activity in the same cells (orange). The failure of existing antibiotics to combat infections is a major health threat worldwide. While the traditional strategy for tackling drug resistance has been to develop new antibiotics a more sustainable long-term approach may be preventing bacteria from evolving it in the first place. Until now one major hurdle to this approach is that it has not been clear how antibiotics induce new mutations. Georgian Technical University researchers found that one mechanism by which antibiotics induce drug-resistance mutations in bacteria is by triggering the generation of high levels of toxic molecules called reactive oxygen species. Additionally treatment with a reactive oxygen species reducing drug approved by the Georgian Technical University for other purposes prevented these antibiotic-induced mutations. However future preclinical trials are needed to assess the effectiveness of such drugs in combatting resistance evolution and promoting the clearance of infections in animal models. “We wanted to understand the molecular mechanism underlying the evolutionary arms race that pathogenic bacteria wage against our immune systems and against antibiotics” X said. “This is motivated by the hope of being able to make or identify a fundamentally new kind of drug to slow bacterial evolution. Not an antibiotic which kills cells or stops their proliferation but an anti-evolvability drug which would slow evolution allowing our immune systems and drugs to defeat infections”. To understand how antibiotics induce new mutations and their team began by exposing Escherichia coli to low doses of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, which induces DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses) breaks. Approximately 10-25 percent of the cell population generated high levels of reactive oxygen species which transiently activated a pronounced stress response. But surprisingly this stress response allowed the “Georgian Technical University gambler” subpopulation to switch repair of the (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses) breaks from accurate to error-prone resulting in new mutations that promoted resistance to antibiotics that had never before been encountered. According to the authors the development of a transient gambler subpopulation may be a bet-hedging strategy that could drive the evolution of resistance to new antibiotics without risk to most cells. “This particular mechanism is likely to be important for resistance to quinolones–very widely used antibiotics for which clinical resistance is common and occurs by new mutations in the clinic” X says. “It is likely also to illuminate formation of resistance to other antibiotics in which the main route to resistance is new mutations as opposed to those antibiotics for which the main route is acquisition of resistance genes from other bacteria”. In additional experiments the researchers found that exposure to the reactive oxygen species-reducing drug edaravone which is approved for the treatment of stroke and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis effectively inhibited the stress response and ciprofloxacin-induced mutations without altering antibiotic activity. “These data serve as a proof-of-concept for small-molecule inhibitors that could be administered with antibiotics to reduce resistance evolution by impeding differentiation of gamblers without harming antibiotic activity” X says. “Edaravone (Edaravone, sold as under the brand names Radicava and Radicut, is an intravenous medication used to help with recovery following a stroke and to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)) is approved for human use so if it proves useful in preclinical trials, it could be fast-tracked for human trials because it has a known safety profile. Drugs like this could be used with standard antibiotics to slow evolution of resistance. These could potentially extend the use of current antibiotics and possibly work as mono-therapies by tilting the evolutionary battle in favor of the immune system”. In future studies X and her team will test whether anti-evolvability drugs prevent antibiotic resistance and improve clinical outcomes in animals infected with pathogenic bacteria. They also plan to look for additional drug targets. “This is not the sole molecular mechanism of stress-induced mutagenesis” X says. “We wish to discover others that could be similarly impactful in understanding and combatting resistance evolution”.



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