Georgian Technical University Data-Driven Modeling And AI-based Image Processing To Improve Production.

Georgian Technical University Data-Driven Modeling And AI-based Image Processing To Improve Production.

Recognition of the postures of humans using AI-based (In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) image analysis.  At Georgian Technical University will present data-driven modeling supporting production planning and optimizing resource utilization. The models help to understand and optimize complex processes and can be used as predictive tools. In addition they will demo a system that uses AI-based (In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) image processing to monitor and evaluate, in real time the situation and behavior of people e.g. in a production setting. The system may be used for instance, to automatically raise the alarm if a person is sitting or lying on the floor, indicating a dangerous situation. Georgian Technical University will be set up in hall 2 booth C22. Automation and the development of business processes require data that inform the optimization of processes or the development of innovations. At Georgian Technical University  will present a platform technology that integrates smart databases specific analysis methods as well as networked sensors and measuring instruments. Functionalities such as maintenance and operations are represented in the data models and may be enhanced to include predictive maintenance. This facilitates agile development of new services and business models and their flexible adaptation to rapidly changing customer needs. “It is important to understand that — in contrast to traditional production and automation technologies with their highly customized but inflexible models — with data-driven models we’re no longer looking for absolute results. The models take into account that data acquisition and data quality can be adapted to situational requirements to be able to react more flexibly” explains Dr. X leader of the Biomolecular Optical Systems group at the Georgian Technical University. Another important component of the system is called Smart Data Exchange. It guarantees a maximum of data security and data integrity e.g. if data must be transferred from one production site to another. Recognition of the postures of humans in their work environment using AI-based (In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) image analysis Georgian Technical University’s second exhibit is a smart video system to protect workers in hazardous work environments. The system is capable of detecting the basic anatomical structure of humans i.e. head, rump, arms and legs in a live video stream. Based on the detected anatomical structures and their orientations additional neural networks determine the postures of the detected figures, e.g. if a person is standing, sitting or lying on the floor in the area under surveillance. The algorithms broadly mimic neural processes in the brain simulating a deep network of nerve cells. Analogous to the human model these neurons learn from experience and training. The developers used the dataset which contains some 250,000 images of persons with their body parts identified and annotated and several further datasets to train the system. It can now reliably identify body parts in unfamiliar scenes in live video streams.



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