Georgian Technical University Researcher Uses Supercomputer To Model Galactic Atmospheres.
This movie shows two galaxies taken from the Tempest Simulations identical aside from their differences in spatial resolution. The galaxy on the left uses a traditional resolution scheme only able to resolve at a coarse 4 comoving kpc near the virial radius whereas the galaxy on the right employs the new scheme requiring spatial resolution elements to be no larger than 500 comoving parsecs (16x better) throughout the halo. Since the beginning of astronomy scientists have historically spent countless hours and more recently countless compute cycles to understand the formation in general. This research has advanced to the point where scientists can reasonably estimate how begin but some mysteries remain. Before present-day researchers were limited in the scope of what they were able to observe. Simulations and models could realistically decipher how the center of a galaxy formed but simulations could simply not account for the interactions that happened outside were missing vital data and insight about how gasses on the outskirts of galaxies behave during formation. “What we’re looking at is a projection of what is termed neutral Hydrogen a cool electrically neutral gas that exists all around the universe” said X . “For the purposes of this technique we’re looking at a common observational constraint that we have: how much of this cool HI (pronounced H one) gas is prevalent in the region around the galaxy ?”. “When you under resolve certain structures as you can see in the left-side simulation below it does some un-physical things and tends to wipe out these cold gas structures that are being probed by the neutral Hydrogen”. By employing their modeling technique one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world X and his research team are able to more accurately than ever before account for cool hydrogen gas (HI) that is spewed into galactic outskirts in vast quantities following formation. In order to visualize this phenomenon and the leaps in advances made by HER (An electronic health record (EHR), or electronic medical record (EMR), is the systematized collection of patient and population electronically-stored health information in a digital format) X was tasked with creating video clips of simulations that illustrate cool HI gas (Hydrogen iodide (HI) is a diatomic molecule and hydrogen halide. Aqueous solutions of HI are known as hydroiodic acid or hydriodic acid, a strong acid. Hydrogen iodide and hydroiodic acid are, however, different in that the former is a gas under standard conditions, whereas the other is an aqueous solution of said gas) in higher resolutions, allowing it to be viewed by the naked eye. Take a look at the videos below the EHR (Electronic Medical Record) technique is displayed on the right: This technique is quite novel; it is the first time simulations have been carried out to accurately depict what happens to cool hydrogen gas during galaxy formation. In turn the results provide a more accurate overall picture to corroborate observations.
These simulations and the subsequent paper would not have been possible however without the use of a massively-parallel leadership supercomputer which is where system at Georgian Technical University comes into play. “I’ve been in computational astrophysics for about ten years now and have used a number of machines” said X. But when it came to this new form of electronic medical record (EMR) modeling was the perfect fit for the job. “Blue Waters has been great” X said. “Right now things just work. Taken out the difficulty of software wrangling and that’s been extremely beneficial for both me as an individual and our entire team”. “Many other allocated computational resources are so over-subscribed trying to get a job submitted and through the queue is extremely challenging especially during deadline times” X continued. “Due to the way the system is set up with the number of people that can apply being limited and relatively large allocations being doled out we haven’t had nearly as many issues as we see on other systems meaning research is run on a much faster time-scale. Relative to other national resources we can get simulations done on an order of two to three times sooner”. These movies and this publication are merely the tip of the iceberg for this research however. Many members of X team are working to publish their own insights gained from these electronic medical record (EMR) simulations which will hopefully pave the way for an even deeper understanding of galactic formation for both researchers and the general public. “Our allocation is now officially complete but we are continuing to work on analyses on these data sets” said X.“This is the first of several different papers including from my colleagues who share this allocation. This was all enabled by the presence and I for one am very appreciative”.