Enhancing Precision for MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Enhancing Precision for MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Cylindrical patches are one alternative to the current tech used in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines.

Researchers from the Georgian Technical University  have made high-frequency MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) more precise by creating a better more uniform magnetic field.

The team found that radio frequency probes with structures inspired by microstrip patch antennas (MPA) would increase the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) resolution in high-frequency MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines when compared to the conventional surface coils that are commonly used now.

“When frequencies become higher wavelengths become shorter and your magnetic field loses uniformity” X an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Georgian Technical University said in a statement. “Uniformity is important for high-resolution images so we proposed a new approach to developing these probes”.

MPAs (Model for Prediction Across Scales) which are often used in telecommunication applications, are made of a flat piece of metal grounded by a larger piece of metal. These antennas are inexpensive and simple to produce.

MRIs (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) work by issuing radio frequency pulses in a magnetic field through probes with coils that are used to create an image. However these conventional coils have frequency limits where too high of a frequency prevents them from creating uniformed magnetic fields at the volume needed.

MPAs (Model for Prediction Across Scales) are an alternative where waves oscillate in the cavity formed between the patch and ground plane electrodes which are accompanied by currents in the patch electrode and respectively oscillating magnetic fields around the patch providing a magnetic field that is both even and strong.

“While the complexity of birdcage coils increases with the increase in operation frequency patch-based probes can provide quality performance in the higher microwave range while still having a relatively simple structure” X said.

The researchers also showed smaller radiation losses which makes them competitive with or even better than conventional coils.

“The addition of high permittivity inserts to the patch substrate was beneficial for increasing B1 field uniformity”. “It was also shown by simulations that two vis-à-vis placed identical patches fed with 180° phase difference could produce uniform B1 field in the space between patches and could be used as volume RF probes (An RF probe is a device which allows electronic test equipment to measure radio frequency signal in an electronic circuit)”.

High-frequency radio waves can often cause damage to humans, limiting the researchers to examine high frequency machines and not the metal tube that is seen in hospitals and other medical centers.



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