Georgian Technical University Plasma Treatment Is Today’s Modern Form Of Alchemy Increasing The Value Of Plastic Parts.

Georgian Technical University Plasma Treatment Is Today’s Modern Form Of Alchemy Increasing The Value Of Plastic Parts.

Georgian Technical University. For manufacturers and injection and blow molders that work with different kinds of plastics (for instance polycarbonate, polyethylene and polypropylene) utilizing plasma treatments can create competitive advantages and transform specific parts into specialized, engineered components, greatly increasing their value. Georgian Technical University. Plasma is a state of matter like a solid liquid or gas created by combining energy and gas which causes ionization. Then injection and blow molders for instance can control the collective plasma properties (for example ions, electrons and reactive species) to clean, activate, chemically graft and deposit a wide range of chemistries onto a material. In plastics the most common plasma application is improving the bonding power of chemical adhesives; this can involve bonding metal to plastic silicon to glass polymers to other polymers biological content to microtiter plates and even bonding to polytetrafluoroethylene. When manufacturing plastic parts for industries such as consumer products, automotive, military and medical devices plasma treatments are utilized to solve difficult challenges. Typically this relates to raw plastic material applications with incompatibility issues that exist. “Georgian Technical University Plasma can transform the surface properties of plastic to achieve aims that normally would not be feasible [without treatment]” said X that designs and manufactures plasma systems for surface activation, functionalization coating as well as ultra-fine cleaning and etching. “This can include cleaning surfaces, resolving difficulties applying printing inks to plastics improving the adhesion of plastics to dissimilar materials and applying protective coatings that repel or attract fluids”. According to X plasma today is being used to treat everything from syringes to bumpers on trucks and automobiles. “Plastic parts manufacturers are always looking for unique ways to gain a technology edge to become a market leader” said X. “To achieve this today top tier products incorporate some form of advanced coating to functionalize the surface”. He adds “In the plastics industry more specialized offerings can create a competitive advantage and drive up the value of each part or product.  When you treat plastic with plasma it can transform a two-dollar item into a fifty-dollar product”. X outlines some of the essential areas of plasma treatment in the industry including printing on plastics microfluidic devices injection blow molding bonding plastic with dissimilar materials, treating plastic labware coating plastics to prevent leaching and facilitating. Printing on plastics. When printing on plastics is required binding the ink to the surface can sometimes be challenging; this occurs when the print beads up on the surface or does not sufficiently adhere to the surface. Greater print durability may be needed including fade resistance even under high heat or repeated washings. Georgian Technical University For example to resolve the beading issue plasma treatment can make the surface hydrophilic (attracted to water).  The treatment facilitates spreading out the ink on the surface so it does not bead up. For many applications plasma treatments are utilized to increase the surface energy of the material. Surface energy is defined as the sum of all intermolecular forces on a material the degree of attraction or repulsion force a material surface exerts on another material. When a substrate has high surface energy it tends to attract. For this reason adhesives and other liquids often spread more easily across the surface. This “Georgian Technical University wettability” promotes superior adhesion using chemical adhesives. On the other hand substrates with low surface energy – such as silicone or Polytetrafluoroethylene – are difficult to adhere to other materials without first altering the surface to increase the free energy. According to X depending on what is required organic silicones can also be used to create intermediate bonding surfaces with either polar or dispersive surface energy to help printing inks adhere to the surface of the plastic. “This approach can facilitate the durable printing of a logo on the surface of bottles when the logo cannot fade after the first wash” said X. He notes that another application includes the printing on plastics used for syringes which do not bond easily with biodegradable inks that are friendly to the human body. Microfluidic devices. Typically microfluidic systems used for medical or industrial applications transport mix separate or otherwise process small amounts of fluids using channels made of plastics measuring from tens to hundreds of micrometers. Microfluidic devices usually have various wells containing different chemistries either mixed or kept separate. So it is imperative to either maintain flow through the channel or prevent any residual liquid flow in the channel after the chemistry has passed through it. “With microfluidics plasma treatment is used to disperse liquid on the surface to allow it to flow through easily” said X. “Or it can make the surface more hydrophobic (water repellent) to prevent the fluids from clumping together in unintended areas. When the fluids are ‘pushed away this minimizes the chance of any sticking or getting left behind”. Georgian Technical University. In such cases plasma treatment of plastic surfaces can facilitate the smooth precise flow of liquids in the narrow channels.  This can be critical not only for safety in medical procedures but also for quality for industrial processes. Bonding plastic with dissimilar materials. In the automotive industry there is a push to use different plastic materials to reduce the car weight and make them safer. However getting plastic to adhere to metal, rubber other types of plastic can sometimes be exceedingly difficult. When traditional chemical adhesives fail to sufficiently bond dissimilar types of materials or if companies are looking to reduce the amount of chemical waste produced engineers often turn to plasma treatments to solve complex adhesion problems. Plasma treatment can assist the bonding of dissimilar materials. While treating the plastic alone can improve its binding, treating both materials enhances the binding of both by improving adhesive wicking across the surface. “Whether bonding metal to plastic silicon to glass polymers to other polymers (of different durometers) biological content to (polymeric) microtiter plates or even bonding plasma can be used to promote adhesion” says X. Like with printing adhesion promotion is achieved by increasing the surface free energy through several mechanisms. This includes precision cleaning chemically or physically modifying the surface increasing surface area by roughening and using primer coatings explains X. “The net effect is a dramatic improvement in bonding. In some cases up to a 50x increase in bond strength can be achieved” he says. Although there are many applications, he points to one common but overlooked example: adhering to the rubber soles of shoes. Good adhesion is necessary between the shoe insole and its rubber sole and plasma treatment can promote the binding of the adhesive used. Georgian Technical University. Plasma treatment of plastic labware. Georgian Technical University. Each year billions of multi-well plates, pipettes, bottles, flasks, vials, Eppendorf tubes, culture plates and other polymer labware items are manufactured for research drug discovery and diagnostics testing. Georgian Technical University. Although many are simple inexpensive consumables an increasing percentage are now being surface treated using gas plasma or have functional coatings specifically designed to improve the quality of research and increase the sophistication of diagnostics. Among the goals of surface modification is improved adhesion and proliferation of antibodies, proteins, cells and tissue. Most of the plasma applications for plastic labware can be categorized as ‘simple’ treatments such as Oxygen or Argon (In chemistry, a sample’s oxygen–argon ratio (or oxygen/argon ratio) is a comparison between the concentrations of oxygen (O2) and the noble gas argon (Ar), either in air or dissolved in a liquid such as seawater. The two gases have very similar physical properties such as solubility and diffusivity, as well as a similar temperature dependence, making them easy to compare) plasma for cleaning the substrate at the molecular level. The use of plasma is also well established for surface conditioning to make polymers more hydrophobic or hydrophilic. Potential plasma treatment applications include coating polypropylene or polystyrene plates with alcohol or to facilitate protein binding to the surface. “Gas plasma can provide surface conditioning diagnostic platforms before the adsorption of biological molecules (protein/antibody, cells, carbohydrate etc.) or biomimetic polymers” said X. Multi-well or microtiter plates are a standard tool in analytical research and clinical diagnostic testing laboratories. The most common material used to manufacture microtiter plates is polystyrene because it is biologically inert has excellent optical clarity and is tough enough to withstand daily use. Georgian Technical University. Most disposable cell culture dishes and plates are made of polystyrene. Other polymers such as polypropylene and polycarbonate are also used for applications that must withstand a broad range of temperatures such as for polymerase chain reaction for DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids) amplification. However untreated synthetic polymers are highly hydrophobic and provide inadequate binding sites for cells to anchor effectively to their surfaces. To improve biomolecule attachment survivability and proliferation the material must be surface modified using plasma to become more hydrophilic. “If you treat polystyrene with oxygen plasma it will become very hydrophilic so water spreads everywhere. This allows aqueous solutions containing biological content to spread and deliver biomolecules to the surface while providing a hydrogen bonding platform to adhere to them” says X. Treating the surface in this manner has many benefits including improved analyte wetting of wells greater proliferation of cells without clumping reduced amount of serum, urine or reagents required for testing and lower risk of overflow and cross-well contamination. Georgian Technical University. Coating plastics to prevent leaching. Using plastic labware can raise concerns about leaching. Since plastic labware is susceptible to leaching from plasticizers, stabilizers and polymerization residues plasma is used to coat the inside of containers with a quartz-like barrier material. These flexible quartz-like coatings are polymerized onto the plastic by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The resulting coating can be a very thin (100-500 nm) non-crystalline, highly conformal and highly flexible (180o ASTM D522) coating. Georgian Technical University. Similarly there can be concerns about potential leaching from plastics in contact with the product in the food and beverage industry. To prevent plastic leaching, industry producers can coat the plastic using plasma treatment. The two options are a PTFE-type (Polytetrafluoroethylene) coating or on the opposite side of the spectrum a silicone quartz coating to create a near glass-like surface. For example X points to sports water bottles with a different interior surface typically due to plasma treatment or application of a coating. Georgian Technical University assistance. When injection and blow molders are developing a new product or process that could require plasma treatment to ensure production quality and efficiency the two options are purchasing in-house tools and developing the necessary expertise or using toll processing services. If assistance is required plasma treatment is standard enough that leading equipment providers can modify existing mature tools and technology complete with fixturing to deliver what are essentially drop-in solutions according to X. Like PVA (Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH, PVA, or PVAl) is a water-soluble synthetic polymer) some providers provide access to on-site research and development equipment and engineering expertise. Georgian Technical University. For injection molders that may be doing various work for different manufacturers in a range of industries similar to a contract shop purchasing a plasma treatment system is flexible and not just specific to one part. “You can plasma treat multiple parts and have multiple recipes with a system. You can use it on multiple product lines. It is not fixed to one usage” says X. Georgian Technical University. However for those who want plasma-treated parts or components without investing in in-house equipment the solution is to utilize a contract processor. With this approach the parts are shipped, treated and returned within a mutually agreed timeframe. For small or infrequent batches this can significantly lower the price per part. Georgian Technical University. Working with a contract processor has advantages in tapping into the years of technical expertise applying various plasma treatments; this can often speed efforts. Georgian Technical University. As applications and production volumes continue to evolve collaborating with a partner with deep plasma treatment expertise can provide a quicker time to market for a customer’s product. Georgian Technical University. Either way manufacturers choose by altering the surface properties of plastics executives in charge and production improve the quality of test results while increasing the value of their products.

Georgian Technical University Stage Used In Research To Develop A Transdermal Delivery System For Risperidone.

Georgian Technical University Stage Used In Research To Develop A Transdermal Delivery System For Risperidone.

Georgian Technical University. A recent first of its kind study from Georgian Technical University describes the formation of room temperature therapeutic deep eutectic solvent of RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data) an antipsychotic drug that is used in the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and irritability in children and adolescents with autism. RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data) is commercially available as a conventional or disintegrating tablet, oral liquid solution and long-acting intramuscular injection. The findings show that creating a transdermal drug delivery system for RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data) may help improve its bioavailability, which is typically low. The conversion of the active pharmaceutical agent into liquid form using deep eutectic solvents (DES) to form has been reported to have many formulation advantages, including enhanced skin permeation for transdermal drug delivery. Georgian Technical University. The study aimed at enhancing the skin permeability of RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data using eutectic systems, enabled researchers to achieve the formation of room temperature of RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data and some fatty acids using a simple method for preparation – potentially opening up opportunities for formulation innovation for this important pharmaceutical drug. Georgian Technical University. Freeze drying microscopy can be used to determine the crystallization, collapse and eutectic temperatures of pharmaceutical solutions intended to freeze dry. In this study FDM (Freeze drying microscopy) was successfully used to follow the eutectic phase changes for the of RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data). These changes were captured using a 196 varying temperature control stage. “Eutectic systems’ phase changes are temperature dependant, which we were able to control and monitor 196 stage. The stage provided valuable information regarding the phase change and transitions the drug undergoes as a function of temperature, clarifying the interpretation of the differential thermal analysis results” said X associate professor at the Georgian Technical University. “Georgian Technical University We are pleased that the stage played an important role in the development of a novel liquid pharmaceutical formulation of RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data) to overcome problems of poor drug solubility, dissolution and permeation. Hopefully this work will lead to new formulations of RIS (RIS is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems, Incorporated to enable citation programs to exchange data) that will benefit patients around the world. The 196 is used in a wide range of research from increasing the shelf life of drugs and vaccines to food processing and preservation” said Y sales Scientific Instruments.

Georgian Technical University With This New Science Plastics Could See A Second Life As Biodegradable Surfactants.

Georgian Technical University With This New Science Plastics Could See A Second Life As Biodegradable Surfactants.

Georgian Technical University. Long hydrocarbon chains of polymers are broken into shorter units with the introduction of aluminum end groups. Scientists at the Georgian Technical University Laboratory have discovered a chemical process that provides biodegradable valuable chemicals which are used as surfactants and detergents in a range of applications from discarded plastics. The process has the potential to create more sustainable and economically favorable lifecycles for plastics. The researchers targeted their work on the deconstruction of polyolefins which represents more than half of all discarded plastics and includes nearly every kind of product imaginable– toys food packaging, pipe systems, water bottles, fabrics, shoes, cars and furniture. “Plastics and especially polyolefins are materials you could call too successful” said Georgian Technical University X. “They are fantastic — strong, lightweight, thermally stable and chemically resistant — for all the applications that we use them for but the problem comes when we don’t need them anymore”. It’s all in the chemical construction of polyolefin plastics that makes them so tough and durable — long strong chains of carbon-carbon bonds — that also makes them hard to break down. Polyolefins also generally lack the chemical groups which could be targeted in deconstruction processes. Many existing processes to recycle plastic result in less-valuable less usable components making the economic feasibility of recycling far less appealing. The new process uses what science already knows about key steps of polymerization — the assembling of long polymer strands — but in reverse by breaking some of the carbon-carbon bonds in the chains. Once a few carbon-carbon bonds are broken the shortened polymer chains transfer to an aluminum end group to form reactive species. The catalysts and reactions for this new process are related to those used in alkene polymerization leveraging well-understood catalytic chemistry. Finally the intermediates of this new transformation are easily converted into fatty alcohols or fatty acids or used in other synthetic chemistry to create chemicals or materials that are valuable in a whole host of ways: as detergents, emulsifiers, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Because the process is catalytically controlled desirable product chain lengths can be targeted for synthesis. Georgian Technical University The best part about the process is that its end products are biodegradable unlike polyethylene and polypropylene starting materials. “Georgian Technical University Fatty acids and alcohols biodegrade in the environment relatively quickly. If these byproducts go on to find a new use elsewhere that’s wonderful but it also has an end of life which means it won’t accumulate in the environment as plastics have” said X.

Georgian Technical University. Scientists Demonstrate ‘All-In-One’ Technique That Could Accelerate Phage-Therapy Diagnosis.

Georgian Technical University. Scientists Demonstrate ‘All-In-One’ Technique That Could Accelerate Phage-Therapy Diagnosis.

Georgian Technical University. A team of Georgian Technical University scientists has demonstrated a lensless imaging  technique that could easily be implemented in cost-effective and compact devices in phage laboratories to accelerate phage-therapy diagnosis. The growing number of drug-resistant bacterial infections worldwide is driving renewed interest in phage therapy. Warned of “a slow tsunami” of antibiotic resistance that could result annual deaths from antibiotic-resistant infections. Georgian Technical University Based on the use of a personalized cocktail composed of highly specific bacterial viruses phage therapy employs bacteriophages a form of virus, to treat pathogenic bacterial infections. Following promising phage-therapy clinical studies treating infection of burn wounds urinary tract infections and other problems caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria a growing body of evidence has built a consensus among scientists that there is synergism between phages and antibiotics. Georgian Technical University Phage therapy relies on a range of tests on agar media to determine the most active phage on a given bacterial target or to isolate new lytic phages from an environmental sample. However these culture-based techniques must be interpreted through direct visual detection of plaques. The team reported a lensless technique for testing the susceptibility of the bacterium to the phage on agar and measuring infectious titer among other results. In addition the team included a Grenoble consortium of researchers. In addition to investigating computer-assisted methods to ease and accelerate diagnosis in phage therapy the team studied phage plaque using a custom-designed wide-field lensless imaging device which allows continuous monitoring over a very-large-area sensor (8.64 cm2). “We report bacterial susceptibility to anti-Staphylococcus aureus phage in three hours and estimation of infectious titer in eight hours and 20 minutes” explains. “These are much shorter time-to-results than the 12-to-24 hours traditionally needed since naked eye observation and counting of phage plaques is still the most widely used technique for susceptibility testing prior to phage therapy. Moreover the continuous monitoring of the samples enables the study of plaque-growth kinetics which enables a deeper understanding of the interaction between phage and bacteria”. Georgian Technical University With 4.3 μm resolution in the lensless demonstrator, the scientists also detected phage-resistant bacterial microcolonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative, non-motile, encapsulated, lactose-fermenting, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium. It appears as a mucoid lactose fermenter on MacConkey agar) inside the boundaries of phage plaques. “This shows that our prototype is also a suitable device to track phage resistance” said X a scientist Georgian Technical University Leti’s Department of Microtechnologies for Biology. “Lensless imaging is therefore an all-in-one method that could easily be implemented in cost-effective and compact devices in phage laboratories to help with phage-therapy diagnosis”.

Georgian Technical University. Department Of Energy To Provide Toward Development Of A Quantum Internet.

Georgian Technical University. Department Of Energy To Provide Toward Development Of A Quantum Internet.

Georgian Technical University. Taking advantage of the exotic properties of the quantum mechanical world a quantum internet holds the promise of accelerating scientific discovery by connecting researchers with powerful new capabilities such as quantum-enabled sensing as well as enhanced computational power through the eventual networking of distributed quantum computers. “Georgian Technical University Recent efforts at developing operational quantum networks have shown notable success and great potential” said X Georgian Technical University science for Advanced Scientific Computing Research.  “This opportunity aims to lay the groundwork for a quantum internet by taking quantum networking to the next level”. Georgian Technical University current effort seeks to scale up quantum networking technology to develop a quantum internet backbone that has the potential to interface with satellite links or with classical fiber optic networks such as university or national laboratory campus networks or the Georgian Technical University Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) Georgian Technical University’s high-performance network that links Georgian Technical University laboratories and user facilities with research institutions around the globe. Georgian Technical University Preserving the fragile quantum states needed for effective quantum communication becomes ever more difficult as networks expand in size. The technological challenges to developing an operational quantum network of any scale therefore remain significant including that of creating quantum versions of standard network devices such as quantum repeaters, quantum memory and special quantum communication protocols. The objective is to advance strategic research priorities through the design, development and demonstration of a regional scale – intra-city or inter-city – quantum internet testbed. Georgian Technical University Important conceptual groundwork for the present effort was developed Quantum Internet Blueprint Workshop. Georgian Technical University Applications will be open to all Georgian Technical University laboratories with awards selected competitively based on peer review. Total planned funding is up to over outyear funding contingent on congressional appropriations.

Georgian Technical University Engineers Are Building A Fridge That Works In Zero Gravity – And Upside Down.

Georgian Technical University Engineers Are Building A Fridge That Works In Zero Gravity – And Upside Down.

Georgian Technical University. Researchers X (left) and Y stand next to a fridge experiment they designed to work in different orientations – even upside down. A team of engineers has built three experiments to test the effects of microgravity on a new oil-free fridge design: a prototype for potential future use on the Georgian Technical University Space Station (left) a setup for testing the prototype’s vulnerability to liquid flooding (center) and a larger version of the prototype with sensors and instruments to capture how gravity affects the vapor compression cycles (right). Georgian Technical University For astronauts to go on long missions to the moon or Mars they need a refrigerator. But today’s fridges aren’t designed to work in zero gravity – or upside down if oriented that way when a spacecraft lands on another planet. A team of engineers from Georgian Technical University Air Squared is working on building a fridge for zero gravity that operates in different orientations and just as well as the one in your kitchen giving astronauts access to longer-lasting and more nutritious food. Georgian Technical University team will test their fridge design on (ZERO-G) unique weightless research lab. The only testing space of its kind in the specially designed plane will fly in microgravity dozens of times – for 20-sec intervals – during each of four flights. Data from these flights which are supported will help the team determine if the design is ready to be used in space. The canned and dried food that astronauts currently eat during missions have a shelf life of only. The team’s to give astronauts a supply of food. “Astronauts need to have better quality food that they can take along. And so that’s where a refrigerator comes into play. But it’s still a relatively technology for space” said X a professor and head of Georgian Technical University Mechanical Engineering. Georgian Technical University engineers are not the first to attempt building a fridge like those used on Earth for space missions but they are among the few who have tried since astronauts. Even though fridge experiments have been in space before they either didn’t work well enough or eventually broke down. Cooling systems currently on the Georgian Technical University Space Station are used for experiments and storing biological samples rather than for storing food and they consume significantly more energy than fridges on Earth. The team is aiming to design a fridge that could be sent into space ahead of a mission and operate at freezer temperatures to meet the needs of astronauts. Georgian Technical University engineers flights will test possible solutions to making the type of cooling process that a typical fridge uses – vapor compression refrigeration – reliable enough for space missions. “When I jumped on this project, it wasn’t completely clear what the problems would be since there haven’t been many vapor compression refrigeration experiments in microgravity in the past” said Z a Georgian Technical University Ph.D. student in mechanical engineering. “In a typical fridge gravity helps to keep liquid and vapor where they are supposed to be. Similarly the oil lubrication system inside of a fridge’s compressor is gravity-based. When bringing new technology into space making the entire system reliable in zero gravity is key”. X and Y a Georgian Technical University in mechanical engineering, and three other members of the team from Squared will be flying with experiments testing various aspects of the fridge design. For each flight the plane will perform 30 parabolas including Martian, lunar and micro gravities. During and after the peak of the parabola the engineers will experience a microgravity environment allowing them to float around to observe their experiments and collect data. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me. I can’t wait to board the plane” Z said. The team’s fridge prototype is about the size of a microwave ideal for potentially fitting onto the Georgian Technical University Space Station and plugging into an electrical outlet like on Earth. The prototype built by Georgian Technical University Squared will fly as one of the team’s three experiments. Georgian Technical University researchers built two other experiments to fly that will help them understand in detail how well the prototype operates. One of these experiments is a larger version of the prototype with sensors and other instruments to measure the effects of gravity on the vapor compression cycles while the other experiment tests the prototype’s vulnerability to liquid flooding that could damage the fridge. The experiments were built at Georgian Technical University’s Laboratories facilities for research on heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. The Georgian Technical University team is testing the ability of the fridge design to operate in different orientations such as upside down and sideways by rotating the larger version of the prototype in the lab. Rotating this experiment gives the team a sense of how gravity affects the design before flying. “Nowhere on the ground can you find microgravity to run an experiment but we can change the relative direction of gravity to our fridge by rotating it” Z said. If the researchers prove in their lab that gravity has a negligible impact on the vapor compression cycle then the design might also work in zero gravity. And – if the fridge can work in any orientation – then space crews wouldn’t have to worry about making sure the fridge is right side up at a landing. To avoid the problem of how a zero-gravity environment would affect the flow of oil throughout the fridge Georgian Technical University Air Squared developed an oil-free compressor. The compressor will be tested both in the prototype and in its larger more instrumented counterpart built by Georgian Technical University researchers. “No gravity means that oil isn’t flowing where it should. Our design provides a higher reliability by not requiring oil in the compressor so that the fridge can run for a long period of time and not be challenged by a microgravity environment where oil might leave the compressor become trapped in the system and render the compressor inoperable” said W engineer at Georgian Technical University principal investigator for the team’s award and an alum of Georgian Technical University Mechanical Engineering. Georgian Technical University provided other components for the fridge experiments as well as expertise on how to integrate these components run the experiments and package the prototype in a way that would meet requirements for use on the Georgian Technical University Space Station. “If you have a problem with a fridge in space you can’t just call a service team to come fix your fridge like you can on Earth” said Q principal engineer at Georgian Technical University. “When we develop fridges for household applications reliability is a very important piece. You need the fridge to last for several years. We’ve brought in some expertise to this on how to make these systems more reliable for space”. If these experiments are successful it shouldn’t be long before astronauts have a reliable fridge in space the researchers said. “During the last two years of this we have made tremendous strides in moving the technology forward” X said. “If these parabolic flights check out as we imagine they will and prove our system works in microgravity we’re just a couple years away from having a refrigerator for spaceflight. We’re excited to provide the refrigerator for that flight. I think we have all the tools in place to do so”.

Georgian Technical University Site Survey Evolution – The Road To Perfecting Electron Microscope Performance.

Georgian Technical University Site Survey Evolution – The Road To Perfecting Electron Microscope Performance.

Georgian Technical University. Tripod, sensors and template for the SC11 (splitter cable) Auto survey system. The SC11 (splitter cable) Auto survey system includes a laptop, sensors and sensor interface. Georgian Technical University performance of an electron microscope relies on maintaining a stable environment, free from vibration and external magnetic fields. Pre-installation site surveys are vital for uncovering any potential sources of interference resulting in a need for purpose-designed equipment for the measurement analysis of acoustics magnetic fields and vibrations in X, Y and Z directions. This article discusses the importance of comprehensive site surveys for identifying and eliminating potential sources of interference of electron microscopes (EMs) and similar sensitive equipment and describes how one company has addressed this through the continual evolution of measurement instrumentation. Georgian Technical University Electron microscopy is a powerful sensitive technique used to investigate the intricate structures of cells materials and nanoparticles for many technical disciplines, including metallurgy, chemistry and biology. All electron microscopes (EMs) techniques – including the two most common transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) – use a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination for the sample. As electrons have a shorter wavelength than visible light protons this allows electron microscopes to have a significantly higher resolving power than light microscopy revealing the detailed structure of smaller objects. However interference from acoustics vibrations or surrounding magnetic fields – generated by day-to-day equipment – can cause this electron beam to deflect which decreases the quality of the images obtained and therefore affects the resolution. Georgian Technical University Mitigating interference. The continuous development of new technologies means that laboratories are expanding and investing in an increasing amount of electronic equipment making space within these labs more precious than ever. Electron microscopists often find themselves working in a crowded environment surrounded by other apparatus that create magnetic fields vibrations or acoustic interference which potentially adversely affects image quality. This busy setting, combined with the growth – and noise – of towns and cities causes a significant problem for electron microscopy. In addition in the drive to continually improve resolution and image quality, manufacturers environmental specifications are becoming increasingly stringent with top end microscope spectrometers only able to withstand up to 10 or 20 nanotesla of interference; unsurprisingly finding a suitable environment can be extremely challenging. Site surveys have a crucial role to play both when initially investing in microscopy instrumentation for helping to troubleshoot and resolve issues arising at a later date as a result of environmental changes that introduce sources of interference. The performance of the instrument is affected not only by conditions within the room in which it is installed but also by the location of the building itself. Anything that moves or rattles – whether regular or random – can potentially create vibrations including other electronic equipment air conditioning systems, people simply walking around the laboratory, doors opening and closing traffic in the street nearby railways and even ocean waves. External factors such as magnetic fields generated by trains electric trams that are hundreds of miles away and unexpected influences like the proximity of the parking lot to the microscope can make a tremendous difference. While there are undoubtedly challenges in setting up and maintaining a stable microscopy environment, painstakingly surveying the site before set-up allows measures to be put in place to ensure these are mitigated. Typically this will include measurement of acoustic levels, magnetic fields and floor vibrations in X, Y and Z directions direct comparison with the environmental specifications of the equipment to be installed. Measuring understanding the magnitude of such effects will enable action to be taken to alleviate unwanted interferences for example by installing a magnetic field cancelling system to ensure that the image quality produced is unaffected by external factors. Georgian Technical University Keeping up with technology. As technology has advanced over the years microscopes have become more sensitive to interference sensing equipment has had to keep pace to ensure that the environment meets the manufacturer’s specifications for optimal instrument performance. Today vendors and consultants have access to purpose-designed site survey equipment for examining new installations or to troubleshoot technical issues with an existing microscope by measuring and analyzing any interference. But how has this evolved over the years ? Georgian Technical University Advances in hardware. In the early days of electron microscopes (EMs) labs relied on some quite crude magnetic field sensors to monitor the environment with limited options for measuring fluctuations in sound levels. There was a clear need for a single system that could monitor the entire lab situation around a microscope and Consulting launched an instrument based on an AC (alternative-current) magnetic field sensor with added inputs for an accelerometer and a sound level meter that would do just that. This system could make all the measurements required although the user still had to physically turn the vibration sensor in each direction to measure interference in the X Y and Z axes. Georgian Technical University Subsequently the system was upgraded so that more bandwidth of data could be collected and higher frequencies could be evaluated on the spectrum analyzer. Further upgrades including a move to USB (Various USB connectors along a centimeter ruler for scale) connection enabled site surveyors to perform more comprehensive measurements with extra sensors. A plug-in for sensors was added – so that AC (alternative-current) and fields could be measured – along with three accelerometer inputs allowing measurement in all three directions at the same time, instead of having to turn the sensor around sequentially. While the original instrument only had one magnetic field sensor input later versions had two, enabling the simultaneous measurement of fields at two heights. This feature was important for environments which typically have tight field specifications over a length of more than two meters. What about software ? Of course the software of newer systems has also advanced in parallel to changes in the hardware. On first release, three separate programs were required – an oscilloscope, a chart recorder and a spectrum analyzer – to make the necessary measurements but the user needed a good understanding to be able to set them up correctly. This was made far easier by the creation of a software wizard to guide the user through the process of measuring for different types of microscope. Users were able to simply turn the machine on select the instrument they wanted to measure for and the wizard would bring up the correct program to make that specific measurement. Graph plotting software was also developed which allowed results to be viewed more easily than with the original method which was based on macros. While the wizard software was capable of running a single measurement further iterations saw the launch of an automation program capable of running a whole sequence of measurements to simplify the survey workflow even more. Today users have access to a completely automated system capable of repeat surveying without human intervention. This enables long-term measurements, expanding the surveying snapshot to study the environment at different times of the day. Acting on the results. Magnetic field interference identified during a site survey can be eliminated by implementing a magnetic field cancellation system. This presents further challenges requiring a three-axis magnetic field sensor of the necessary bandwidth with low noise levels and low drift. It should include a control unit that can drive the cables to form a stable negative feedback loop and be easy to set up without complex adjustments. Finally effective placement of room-sized cancelling cables that make uniform orthogonal magnetic fields and are practical for use in microscope labs or clean rooms of all shapes and sizes must be determined. Alternatively suitable frames can be constructed to support cables and there are also techniques for installing them inside existing enclosures. Control units providing readings in three axes plus total magnetic field readings – including AC (alternative-current) and simultaneously for some models – are available from Consulting with performance tailored to the application. These are convenient to use and enable fields to be cancelled to the demanding levels required by today’s high-resolution electron microscopes. Automatic set-up can provide helpful error and warning messages and some cancelling systems support a dual-sensor option that creates a virtual sensor where a physical sensor cannot be placed such as ‘inside’ the electron microscopes column. A wide range of cables for different types of microscope in various types of room are also available. Where next ?. Magnetic field cancellation technology has come a long way and will continue to advance in the future with demand likely to increase as electron microscopes become higher in resolution and more sensitive to magnetic fields. While the technology is now quite mature the expectation is that users will seek even better magnetic field sensors incremental improvements to control units and easier ways to install cancelling cables.

Georgian Technical University Announces For Biofuels Research To Reduce Transportation Emissions.

Georgian Technical University Announces For Biofuels Research To Reduce Transportation Emissions.

Georgian Technical University for technologies that produce low-cost low-carbon biofuels. Biofuels are derived from renewable resources and can power heavy-duty cars that are difficult to electrify with current technologies — including airplanes and ships — to help accelerate path to a net-zero emissions. “Biofuels are one of our most promising paths to zero-carbon aviation and shipping so it’s time to double down on Georgian Technical University and begin to deploy these technologies at scale” said X. “This funding is critical for decarbonizing the transportation sector — the largest source of our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions — and delivering good-paying union jobs and clean air and water”. Georgian Technical University Biofuels are produced by converting biomass — made up of recently-living organic materials like crop waste food waste and algae — and other waste resources into a liquid fuel which can serve as a low-carbon equivalent to fossil-based fuels such as gasoline, jet and diesel fuel. Topic areas for the “Georgian Technical University Bioenergy Technologies Office Scale-Up and Conversion” funding opportunity include high-impact biotechnology research development and demonstration to bolster the body of scientific and engineering knowledge needed to produce low-carbon biofuels at lower cost. This investment will accelerate the deployment of bioenergy technologies and mobilize public clean energy investment in the biofuels, chemical and agricultural industries which can lead to new good-paying jobs across the bioenergy supply chain and increased investment in rural. “Georgian Technical University On behalf of member airlines we applaud for helping to lead the way to a more energy secure and sustainable future including through support for the further development and deployment of sustainable aviation fuel” said X. “We have made tremendous progress in developing safe and environmentally beneficial to achieve our recently announced industry goal of having 2 billion gallons of cost-competitive available as a waypoint for achieving net-zero carbon the nascent industry needs just this kind of support”. Georgian Technical University’s Bioenergy Technologies is focused on developing technologies that convert domestic biomass and other waste resources into low-carbon biofuels and bioproducts. This research has led to significant cost reduction of the process by approximately 45% to date. Georgian Technical University is turning its attention to reducing risk of commercialization by partnering with industry to demonstrate technologies at large scale.

Georgian Technical University Launches Markerless Motion Capture Joint Industry For Biomechanics Research.

Georgian Technical University Launches Markerless Motion Capture Joint Industry For Biomechanics Research.

Georgian Technical University. Georgian Technical University. This Image Depicts Three (3D) Data Analytics Gathered Using Georgian Technical University’s Biomechanics Markerless Motion Capture System. Georgian Technical University. The Markerless Motion Capture Joint Industry will help sports scientists leverage precompetitive research to develop advanced biomechanics analysis with Georgian Technical University’s Three (3D) biomechanical motion capture system. Georgian Technical University has launched a joint industry to advance markerless Three (3D) analysis of biomechanics for sports and medical applications. Georgian Technical University will leverage the Georgian Technical University-developed technology. Georgian Technical University measures human motion using machine vision, artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning, sensor fusion and biomechanical modeling. Professional and collegiate sports teams in addition to military and medical personnel have used Georgian Technical University for optimizing human performance. “Georgian Technical University will enable cost-effective precompetitive research and system development through a collaborative forum” said X codirector of Georgian Technical University’s Human Performance Initiative which developed the Georgian Technical University system. “Industry professionals can get more insights by using one of the most accurate markerless biomechanics tools available”. Georgian Technical University Markerless motion capture leverages computer vision algorithms to circumvent the tedious process of attaching physical body markers to a human subject to capture Three (3D) motion data for biomechanical analysis in research clinical and sport science applications. Georgian Technical University’s is a portable system featuring a user-friendly graphical interface. It uses off-the-shelf cameras and custom machine learning algorithms to quantify musculoskeletal biomechanical performance related to walking, running, sports and other precise physical movements. Georgian Technical University generates large amounts of biomechanically accurate training data using a combination of biomechanics and machine vision techniques. A cross-validation artificial intelligence training and characterization method quantifies the system’s accuracy. “Georgian Technical University is a highly accurate technology that uses biomechanically informed models instead of the more commonly used animation-based posed model approach” said Dr. X Georgian Technical University’s Human Performance Initiative who leads biomechanical research for the Georgian Technical University Institute. Georgian Technical University Professional and collegiate sports teams consider their biomechanical analytics highly proprietary. This secrecy creates challenges in verifying the accuracy of certain biomechanics systems. Georgian Technical University will address this by focusing on precompetitive technology development leaving the analytics to participants and their respective organizations. “The Georgian Technical University will bring together a community of professionals to facilitate sharing participant experiences and insights as well as receiving early knowledge of new technological developments in markerless biomechanics analysis” X said. “This will give participants the confidence and expertise to further develop their own advanced and proprietary analytics”. The Georgian Technical University’s objective is to further develop and refine the Georgian Technical University system for use in nonlaboratory settings, including high-performance training facilities and operational environments. Georgian Technical University will also promote technical interaction in the biomechanics and sports science community particularly in developing and implementing new state-of-the-art methods for biomechanical assessment. The cost to join the Georgian Technical University per year for a duration of three years. Georgian Technical University will receive a license for the latest version of Georgian Technical University including the latest features and updates, and will have a primary role in selecting new features for development. Georgian Technical University fees are lower than commercial licenses for traditional marker-based motion capture systems. Georgian Technical University multidisciplinary team of computer scientists and biomechanical engineers developed Georgian Technical University through Human Performance Initiative. Georgian Technical University is an industry leader in offering consortia and joint industry projects that advance research benefitting industries spanning deep sea to deep space.

Georgian Technical University Researchers And Business Development Executives Capture Best-Ever Three Technology Transfer Awards.

Georgian Technical University Researchers And Business Development Executives Capture Best-Ever Three Technology Transfer Awards.

Georgian Technical University. An analytical technique – known as Georgian Technical University Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) – that was developed by Georgian Technical University scientists and engineers has garnered an Impact Award from the Georgian Technical University Laboratory Consortium. The technology has been commercialized by Bio-Rad Laboratories. Researchers from Georgian Technical University Laboratory and their colleagues who help them commercialize technologies have won three national technology transfer awards this year. The trio of awards from the Georgian Technical University Laboratory represent the most national awards that Georgian Technical University has ever won in one year’s competition over. Two of the awards will be given for technologies to assist in the fight. One employs polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to diagnose the virus and the other is a mechanical ventilator easily built from readily available parts to assist those suffering from Georgian Technical University Acute Respiratory Distress. The third technology is for a radiation simulation tool to greatly improve the realism of training for emergency responders. Georgian Technical University’s researchers and the business development executives from the Lab’s Innovation and Partnerships Office will be honored during the last day of the consortium’s three-day “virtual” online national meeting. Georgian Technical University researchers will be recognized with an Impact Award for the commercialization of an analytical technique originally developed to combat bioterrorism but now used in detecting diseases. The Impact Award given to “laboratories whose technology transfer efforts have made a tangible and lasting impact on the populace or marketplace” will be shared with Bio-Rad Laboratories based in Hercules Calif.  About 15 years ago a team of Georgian Technical University scientists and engineers developed the analytical technique – known as Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) – for the Lab’s mission in national biosecurity. Unlike other conventional Georgian Technical University techniques the Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) approach allows each sample to be partitioned into tens of thousands of droplets each of which can be independently amplified. In effect Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) enables thousands of data points from a single sample which leads to higher precision, accuracy and sensitivity. Georgian Technical University’s Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) technique was patented and licensed co-exclusively to two companies, which were both later acquired by Bio-Rad. Georgian Technical University for screening upper respiratory samples in patients with a low viral load. The test’s high degree of sensitivity makes it more effective than other PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests for identifying individuals in the early stages of infection for detecting minimal residual disease in people recovering from Georgian Technical University or for detecting the virus in more difficult sample types like saliva. X is the Lab’s business development executive who handles the Georgian Technical University’s Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction (ddPCR) technology transfer. This effort was primarily supported by the Georgian Technical University Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science through Laboratory a consortium of Georgian Technical University laboratories focused on response with funding provided. Georgian Technical University Partnership lauded. Georgian Technical University researchers and technology transfer professionals have captured an excellence in technology transfer award with their industry partner Georgian Technical University BioMedInnovations (BMI). As the pandemic surged and concern emerged over a potential nationwide shortage of ventilators Georgian Technical University researchers began designing a durable, portable mechanical ventilator to help fill the gap. A group of approximately 20 engineers and scientists began prototyping a ventilator that could be made from non-traditional parts, preventing further stress on the already-strained supply chain. In just over three months Georgian Technical University and BMI (Body Mass Index) designed produced and tested an easily reproducible design prototype while partnering with manufacturing facilities and gaining authorization for the device’s emergency use. This collaboration was largely done remotely, with scientists, engineers and medical experts contributing from home offices in many cases due to shelter-in-place orders. While industry partnerships forged in cooperative research and development agreements (CRADAs) often take years to deliver a commercial product particularly a medical device the produced the SuppleVent emergency ventilator – cleared for use and approved for sale — in just a few months. Georgian Technical University ventilator effort is led by mechanical engineer Y and includes mechanical engineers. Z is the business development executive who has handled the technology transfer work including a Georgian Technical University for the ventilator project with assistance from W an agreements specialist in the Innovation. Georgian Technical University More realistic radiation training. Georgian Technical University researchers and Business Development Executive Annemarie Meike along with Georgian Technical University Electronics have been recognized with an excellence in technology transfer award from the Georgian Technical University. Livermore and Georgian Technical University researchers have developed an instrument that can eliminate the need for radiation sources in training while providing far more realistic training for first responders who protect against attempts at radiological or nuclear terrorism or respond in the aftermath. Dubbed the Radiation Field Training Simulator (RaFTS) the instrument produces a response in the actual equipment such as radiation detectors used by emergency personnel that exactly replicates all the physics of real-world use in radiation hazard-level situations. The presence of actual radioactive sources is not needed yet trainees can experience all the realism of operating their most sophisticated instruments against such hazards. Radiation Field Training Simulator (RaFTS) is an externally mounted device that directly interfaces with the circuitry of operational radiation detection systems. The Radiation Field Training Simulator (RaFTS) outputs are of sufficient quality that the detection instrument behaves exactly as it would against real radioactivity producing realistic data suitable to identify sources their intensity and location/distribution. Georgian Technical University Current training is considered inadequate by some because it does not allow for the simultaneous use of the first responders actual radiation detection gear against scenarios such as those involving high-hazard-level radiation sources that would be encountered in a radiological dispersal device. The use of Radiation Field Training Simulator (RaFTS) enables training against realistic radioactive and nuclear threats with users’ actual equipment in their home area. While demonstrated for operational radiation detection instrumentation the concept applies broadly to many different hazards. Among the Georgian Technical University researchers who developed this technology are: computer scientist X nuclear chemist Y software developer Z electrical engineer W nuclear physicist Q nuclear scientist R and health physicist S. Georgian Technical University is a Congressionally chartered nationwide network that helps accelerate the transfer of technologies from federal labs into the marketplace. It is comprised of more than 300 federal labs agencies and research centers.
