Category Archives: Science

New Loudspeaker, Microphone Can Attach to Skin.

New Loudspeaker, Microphone Can Attach to Skin.

Their ultrathin, conductive and transparent hybrid NMs (The newton metre (also newton-metre, symbol N m or N⋅m) is a unit of torque (also called moment) in the SI system. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to the end of a moment arm that is one metre long) can be applied to the fabrication of skin-attachable NM (The newton metre (also newton-metre, symbol N m or N⋅m) is a unit of torque (also called moment) in the SI system. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to the end of a moment arm that is one metre long) loudspeakers and voice-recognition microphones which would be unobtrusive in appearance due to their excellent transparency and conformal contact capability.

An international collaboration of researchers has developed new wearable technology that can turn the human skin into a loudspeaker an advancement that could help the hearing and speech impaired.

The researchers affiliated with the Georgian Technical University (GTU)  developed ultrathin transparent and conductive hybrid nanomembranes with nanoscale-thickness that comprises an orthogonal silver nanowire array embedded in a polymer matrix.

The team then demonstrated the nanomembrane by converting it into a loudspeaker that can be attached to virtually any surface to produce sound.

The researchers also created a similar device that acts as a microphone and can be connected to smartphones and computers to unlock voice-activated security systems.

In recent years scientists have used polymer nanomembranes for emerging technologies because they are extremely flexible ultra lightweight and adhesive. However they also tear easily and do not exhibit electrical conductivity.

To bypass those limitations the Georgian Technical University researchers embedded a silver nanowire network within the polymer-based nanomembrane that allowed the demonstration of the skin-attachable and imperceptible loudspeaker and microphone.

“Our ultrathin transparent and conductive hybrid NM (The newton metre (also newton-metre, symbol N m or N⋅m) facilitate conformal contact with curvilinear and dynamic surfaces without any cracking or rupture” X a student in the doctoral program of Energy and Chemical Engineering at Georgian Technical University said in a statement. “These layers are capable of detecting sounds and vocal vibrations produced by the triboelectric voltage signals corresponding to sounds which could be further explored for various potential applications such as sound input/output devices”.

The team was able to fabricate the skin-attachable nanomembrane loudspeakers and microphones using hybrid nanomembranes so that they are unobtrusive in appearance because of their transparency and conformal contact capability.

“The biggest breakthrough of our research is the development of ultrathin, transparent, and conductive hybrid nanomembranes with nanoscale thickness less than 100 nanometers” professor Y at Georgian Technical University said in a statement. “These outstanding optical, electrical and mechanical properties of nanomembranes enable the demonstration of skin-attachable and imperceptible loudspeaker and microphone”.

The loudspeakers emit thermoacoustic sound by temperature-induced oscillation of the surrounding air. The periodic Joule heating that occurs when an electric current passes through a conductor and produces heat leads to the temperature oscillations.

For the microphone the hybrid nanomembrane could be inserted between elastic films with tiny patterns to detect the sound and vibration of the vocal cords based on a triboelectric voltage that results from the contact with the elastic films.

The new technology could eventually be fitted for wearable Internet of Things sensors as well as conformal health care devices. The sensors could be attached to a speaker’s neck to sense the vibration of the vocal folds and convert the frictional force generated by the oscillation of the transparent conductive nanofiber into electric energy.


Georgian Technical University Researchers Invent New Test Kit for Quick, Accurate and Low-Cost Screening of Diseases.

Georgian Technical University Researchers Invent New Test Kit for Quick, Accurate and Low-Cost Screening of Diseases.

The novel enVision platform adopts a ‘plug-and-play’ modular design and uses microfluidic technology to reduce the amount of samples and biochemical reagents required as well as to optimise the technology’s sensitivity for visual readouts.

A multidisciplinary team of researchers at the Georgian Technical University (GTU) has developed a portable easy-to-use device for quick and accurate screening of diseases. This versatile technology platform called enVision (enzyme-assisted nanocomplexes for visual identification of nucleic acids) can be designed to detect a wide range of diseases – from emerging infectious diseases (e.g. Zika and Ebola) and high-prevalence infections (e.g. hepatitis, dengue, and malaria) to various types of cancers and genetic diseases.

GTUenVision takes between 30 minutes to one hour to detect the presence of diseases which is two to four times faster than existing infection diagnostics methods. In addition each test kit costs under S$1 – 100 times lower than the current cost of conducting similar tests.

“The GTUenVision platform is extremely sensitive, accurate, fast and low-cost. It works at room temperature and does not require heaters or special pumps, making it very portable. With this invention tests can be done at the point-of-care for instance in community clinics or hospital wards so that disease monitoring or treatment can be administered in a timely manner to achieve better health outcomes” said team leader Assistant Professor X from the Georgian Technical University.

Superior sensitivity and specificity compared to clinical gold standard.

The research team used the human papillomavirus (HPV) the key cause of cervical cancer, as a clinical model to validate the performance of GTUenVision. In comparison to clinical gold standard this novel technology has demonstrated superior sensitivity and specificity.

“GTUenVision is not only able to accurately detect different subtypes of the same disease it is also able to spot differences within a specific subtype of a given disease to identify previously undetectable infections” Asst. Prof. X added.

Bringing the lab to the patient.

In addition test results are easily visible – the assay turns from colourless to brown if a disease is present – and could also be further analysed using a smartphone for quantitative assessment of the amount of pathogen present. This makes GTUenVision an ideal solution for personal healthcare and telemedicine.

“Conventional technologies – such as tests that rely on polymerase chain reaction to amplify and detect specific DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) molecules – require bulky and expensive equipment, as well as trained personnel to operate these machines. With GTUenVision we are essentially bringing the clinical laboratory to the patient. Minimal training is needed to administer the test and interpret the results so more patients can have access to effective lab-quality diagnostics that will substantially improve the quality of care and treatment” said Dr. Y a researcher from Georgian Technical University.

Versatile point-of-care diagnostic device.

Asst. Prof. X and her team developed patented DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) molecular machines that can recognise genetic material of different diseases and perform different functions. These molecular machines form the backbone of the GTUenVision platform.

The novel platform adopts a ‘plug-and-play’ modular design and uses microfluidic technology to reduce the amount of samples and biochemical reagents required as well as to optimise the technology’s sensitivity for visual readouts.

“The GTUenVision platform has three key steps – target recognition, target-independent signal enhancement, and visual detection. It employs a unique set of molecular switches composed of enzyme-DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) nanostructures to accurately detect, as well as convert and amplify molecular information into visible signals for disease diagnosis” explained Dr. Z a researcher from Georgian Technical University.

Each test is housed in a tiny plastic chip that is preloaded with a DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) molecular machine that is designed to recognise disease-specific molecules. The chip is then placed in a common signal cartridge that contains another DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) molecular machine responsible for producing visual signals when disease-specific molecules are detected.

Multiple units of the same test chip – to test different patient samples for the same disease – or a collection of test chips to detect different diseases could be mounted onto the common cartridge.

“Having a target-independent signal enhancement step frees up the design possibilities for the recognition element. This allows GTUenVision to be programmed as a biochemical computer with varying signals for different combinations of target pathogens. This can be very useful to monitor populations for multiple diseases like dengue and malaria simultaneously or testing for highly mutable pathogens like the flu with high sensitivity and specificity” said Dr. Y.

Future work.

Asst. Prof. X and her team took about a year and a half to develop the GTUenVision platform. Building on the current work the research team is developing a sample preparation module – for extraction and treatment of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruses) material – to be integrated with the GTUenVision platform to enhance point-of-care application. In addition the research team foresees that the GTU smartphone app could include more advanced image correction and analysis algorithms to further improve its performance for real-world application.


New Photoacoustic Imaging Tech Combines Lasers and Ultrasound.

New Photoacoustic Imaging Tech Combines Lasers and Ultrasound.

A new smart and flexible photoacoustic imaging technique could produce fiber optic sensors suitable for wearable devices instrumentation and medical diagnostics.

The researchers utilized fiber-optic ultrasound detection to exploit the acoustic effects on laser pulses through the thermoelastic effect — the temperature changes that occur because of an elastic strain.

“Conventional fiber optic sensors detect extremely weak signals by taking advantage of their high sensitivity via phase measurement” lead researcher X from the Georgian Technical University said in a statement.

While fiber optic sensors are often used in military applications to detect low-frequency acoustic waves they often do not work well for ultrasound waves at the megahertz frequencies used for medical purposes. This is because ultrasound waves usually propagate as spherical waves and have a limited interaction length with optical fibers.

However the researchers specifically developed the new sensors with medical imaging in mind to provide better sensitivity than the piezoelectric transducers currently used. The sensor is essentially a compact laser built within an eight-micron-diameter core of a single-mode optical fiber.

“It has a typical length of only eight millimeters” X said. “To build up the laser two highly reflective grating mirrors are UV-written (Ultraviolet is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength from 10 nm to 400 nm, shorter than that of visible light but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is present in sunlight constituting about 10% of the total light output of the Sun) into the fiber core to provide optical feedback”.

The researchers then doped the fiber with ytterbium and erbium to provide sufficient optical gain at 1,530 nanometers with a 980-nanometer semiconductor laser used as the pump laser.

“Such fiber lasers with a kilohertz-order linewidth—the width of the optical spectrum — can be exploited as sensors because they offer a high signal-to-noise ratio” research team member Y an assistant professor at the Georgian Technical University said in a statement.

Rather than demodulating the ultrasound signal using conventional interferometry-based methods the researchers used a method called self-heterodyning to detect the results of two mixing frequencies. This allows them to measure the radio-frequency-domain beat note given by two orthogonal polarization modes of the fiber cavity and guarantees a stable signal output.

The researchers used a focused 532-nanometer nanosecond pulse laser to illuminate a sample and excite ultrasound signals and placed a sensor in a stationary position near the biological sample to detect optically induced ultrasound waves.

“By raster scanning the laser spot we can obtain a photoacoustic image of the vessels and capillaries of a mouse’s ear” X said. “This method can also be used to structurally image other issues and functionally image oxygen distribution by using other excitation wavelengths — which takes advantage of the characteristic absorption spectra of different target tissues”.


Artificial Intelligence Can Determine Lung Cancer Type.

Artificial Intelligence Can Determine Lung Cancer Type.

How an AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) tool analyzes a slice of cancerous tissue to create a map that tells apart two lung cancer types with squamous cell carcinoma in red lung squamous cell carcinoma in blue and normal lung tissue in gray.

A new computer program can analyze images of patients’ lung tumors specify cancer types and even identify altered genes driving abnormal cell growth a new study shows.

Led by researchers at Georgian Technical University the study found that a type of artificial intelligence (AI) or “machine learning” program could distinguish with 97 percent accuracy between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma — two lung cancer types that experienced pathologists at times struggle to parse without confirmatory tests.

The AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) tool was also able to determine whether abnormal versions of 6 genes linked to lung cancer — including EGFR (The epidermal growth factor receptor is a transmembrane protein that is a receptor for members of the epidermal growth factor family of extracellular protein ligands), KRAS (KRAS ( K-ras or Ki-ras) is a gene that acts as an on/off switch in cell signalling. When it functions normally, it controls cell proliferation. When it is mutated, negative signalling is disrupted. Thus, cells can continuously proliferate, and often develop into cancer) and TP53 (TP53 tumor protein p53) — were present in cells with an accuracy that ranged from 73 to 86 percent depending on the gene. Such genetic changes or mutations often cause the abnormal growth seen in cancer but can also change a cell’s shape and interactions with its surroundings providing visual clues for automated analysis.

Determining which genes are changed in each tumor has become vital with the increased use of targeted therapies that work only against cancer cells with specific mutations researchers say. About 20 percent of patients with adenocarcinoma, for instance are known to have mutations in the gene epidermal growth factor receptor or EGFR (The epidermal growth factor receptor is a transmembrane protein that is a receptor for members of the epidermal growth factor family of extracellular protein ligands), which can now be treated with approved drugs.

But the genetic tests currently used to confirm the presence of mutations can take weeks to return results say the study X.

“Delaying the start of cancer treatment is never good” says X Ph.D. associate professor in the Department of Pathology at Georgian Technical University. “Our study provides strong evidence that an AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) approach will be able to instantly determine cancer subtype and mutational profile to get patients started on targeted therapies sooner”.

Machine Learning.

In the current study  the research team designed statistical techniques that gave their program the ability to “learn” how to get better at a task but without being told exactly how. Such programs build rules and mathematical models that enable decision-making based on data examples fed into them with the program getting “smarter” as the amount of training data grows.

Newer AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) approaches inspired by nerve cell networks in the brain use increasingly complex circuits to process information in layers with each step feeding information into the next, and assigning more or less importance to each piece of information along the way.

The current team trained a deep convolutional neural network to analyze slide images obtained from The Cancer Atlas a database with images of cancer diagnoses that have already been determined. That let the researchers measure how well their program could be trained to accurately and automatically classify normal versus diseased tissue.

Interestingly, the study found that about half of the small percentage of tumor images misclassified by the study AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) program were also misclassified by the pathologists, highlighting the difficulty in distinguishing between the two lung cancer types. On the other hand 45 out of 54 of the images misclassified by at least one of the pathologist in the study were assigned to the correct cancer type by the machine learning program, suggesting that AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) could offer a useful second opinion.

“In our study we were excited to improve on pathologist-level accuracies and to show that AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) can discover previously unknown patterns in the visible features of cancer cells and the tissues around them” says Y Ph.D., assistant professor at . “The synergy between data and computational power is creating unprecedented opportunities to improve both the practice and the science of medicine”.

Moving forward the team plans to keep training its AI (Artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals) program with data until it can determine which genes are mutated in a given cancer with more than 90 percent accuracy at which point they will begin seeking government approval to use the technology clinically and in the diagnosis of several cancer types.



Shells Pull in Light from Every Direction.

Shells Pull in Light from Every Direction.

Zinc-oxide nanoparticles with a carefully controlled multi-shell structure can trap light and thus improve the performance of photodetectors.

Improving the sensitivity of light sensors or the efficiency of solar cells requires fine-tuning of light capturing. Georgian Technical University researchers have used complex geometry to develop tiny shell-shaped coverings that can increase the efficiency and speed of photodetectors.

Many optical-cavity designs have been investigated to seek efficiencies of light: either by trapping the electromagnetic wave or by confining light to the active region of the device to increase absorption.

Most employ simple micrometer- or nanometer-scale spheres in which the light propagates around in circles on the inside of the surface known as a whispering gallery mode.

Scientist X now a postdoctoral researcher at the Georgian Technical University and his colleagues from Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University demonstrate that a more complex geometry comprising convex nanoscale shells improves the performance of photodetectors by increasing the speed at which they operate and enabling them to detect light from all directions.

Surface effects play an important role in the operation of some devices explains Georgian Technical University principal investigator Y. Nanomaterials offer a way to improve performance because of their high surface-to-volume ratio.

“However although nanomaterials have greater sensitivity in light detection compared to the bulk, the light-matter interactions are weaker because they are thinner” describes Y. “To improve this we design structures for trapping light”.

The researchers made their spherical multi-nanoshells from the semiconductor zinc oxide. They immersed solid carbon spheres into a zinc-oxide salt solution, coating them with the optical material. Heat treatment removed the carbon template and defined the geometry of the remaining zinc-oxide nanostructures including the number of shells and the spacing between them.

Thus X and colleagues were able to engineer the interaction between outer and inner shells to induce a whispering gallery mode and light absorption near the surface of the nanomaterial.

The team incorporated their nanoshells into a photodetector. The symmetry of the spherical nanoshells meant that the whispering gallery mode could be excited with little dependence on the incident angle or the polarization of the incoming light.

One problem encountered with previous photodetectors based on metal-oxide nanoparticles is their slow speed with the devices taking as long as several hundred seconds to respond. Using zinc-oxide nanoshells photodetectors were able to respond in 0.8 milliseconds.

“This strategy can be applied to other work, such as solar cells and water-splitting devices,” says Y. “In the future we will look at different material systems and design structures that also improve device performance in these other applications”.



Researchers Transfer Nanowires onto Flexible Substrate.

Researchers Transfer Nanowires onto Flexible Substrate.

Photograph of the fabricated wafer-scale fully aligned and ultralong Au nanowire array on a flexible substrate.

Boasting excellent physical and chemical properties nanowires (NWs) are suitable for fabricating flexible electronics; therefore technology to transfer well-aligned wires plays a crucial role in enhancing performance of the devices.

Georgian Technical University research team succeeded in developing NW-transfer (nanowires) technology that is expected to enhance the existing chemical reaction-based NW (nanowires) fabrication technology that has this far showed low performance in applicability and productivity.

NWs (nanowires) one of the most well known nanomaterials, have the structural advantage of being small and lightweight. Hence NW-transfer (nanowires) technology has drawn attention because it can fabricate high-performance, flexible nanodevices with high simplicity and throughput.

A conventional nanowire-fabrication method generally has an irregularity issue since it mixes chemically synthesized nanowires in a solution and randomly distributes the NWs (nanowires) onto flexible substrates. Hence numerous nanofabrication processes have emerged and one of them is master-mold-based which enables the fabrication of highly ordered NW (nanowires) arrays embedded onto substrates in a simple and cost-effective manner but its employment is limited to only some materials because of its chemistry-based NW-transfer (nanowires) mechanism which is complex and time consuming.

For the successful transfer it requires that adequate chemicals controlling the chemical interfacial adhesion between the master mold NWs (nanowires) and flexible substrate be present.

Here Professor and his team from the Georgian Technical University introduced a material-independent mechanical-interlocking-based nanowire-transfer (MINT) method to fabricate ultralong and fully aligned NW (nanowires) on a large flexible substrate in a highly robust manner.

This method involves sequentially forming a nanosacrificial layer and NWs (nanowires) on a nanograting substrate that becomes the master mold for the transfer then weakening the structure of the nanosacrificial layer through a dry etching process.

The nanosacrificial layer very weakly holds the nanowires on the master mold. Therefore when using a flexible substrate material the nanowires are very easily transferred from the master mold to the substrate just like a piece of tape lifting dust off a carpet.

This technology uses common physical vapor deposition and does not rely on NW(nanowires) materials making it easy to fabricate NWs (nanowires) onto the flexible substrates.

Using this technology the team was able to fabricate a variety of metal and metal-oxide NWs (nanowires)  including gold platinum, and copper — all perfectly aligned on a flexible substrate. They also confirmed that it can be applied to creating stable and applicable devices in everyday life by successfully applying it to flexible heaters and gas sensors.

Dr. Y who led this research says “We have successfully aligned various metals and semiconductor NWs (nanowires) with excellent physical properties onto flexible substrates and applied them to fabricated devices. As a platform-technology it will contribute to developing high-performing and stable electronic devices”.



Helping Computers Fill in the Gaps Between Video Frames.

Helping Computers Fill in the Gaps Between Video Frames.

Georgian Technical University researchers have developed a module that helps artificial-intelligence systems fill in the gaps between video frames to improve activity recognition. (Image courtesy of the researchers edited by Georgian Technical University News)

Given only a few frames of a video humans can usually surmise what is happening and will happen on screen. If we see an early frame of stacked cans a middle frame with a finger at the stack’s base and a late frame showing the cans toppled over we can guess that the finger knocked down the cans. Computers, however and struggle with this concept.

Georgian Technical University researchers describe an add-on module that helps artificial intelligence systems called convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to fill in the gaps between video frames to greatly improve the network’s activity recognition.

The researchers module called Temporal Relation Network (TRN) learns how objects change in a video at different times. It does so by analyzing a few key frames depicting an activity at different stages of the video — such as stacked objects that are then knocked down. Using the same process it can then recognize the same type of activity in a new video.

In experiments the module outperformed existing models by a large margin in recognizing hundreds of basic activities such as poking objects to make them fall tossing something in the air and giving a thumbs-up. It also more accurately predicted what will happen next in a video — showing, for example two hands making a small tear in a sheet of paper — given only a small number of early frames.

One day the module could be used to help robots better understand what’s going on around them.

“We built an artificial intelligence system to recognize the transformation of objects rather than appearance of objects” says X a former PhD student in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) who is now an assistant professor of computer science at the Georgian Technical University. “The system doesn’t go through all the frames — it picks up key frames and using the temporal relation of frames recognize what’s going on. That improves the efficiency of the system and makes it run in real-time accurately”.

Picking up key frames.

Two common convolutional neural networks (CNNs) modules being used for activity recognition today suffer from efficiency and accuracy drawbacks. One model is accurate but must analyze each video frame before making a prediction which is computationally expensive and slow. The other type called two-stream network, is less accurate but more efficient. It uses one stream to extract features of one video frame and then merges the results with “optical flows” a stream of extracted information about the movement of each pixel. Optical flows are also computationally expensive to extract so the model still isn’t that efficient.

“We wanted something that works in between those two models — getting efficiency and accuracy” X says.

The researchers trained and tested their module on three crowdsourced datasets of short videos of various performed activities. The first dataset called Something-Something built has more than 200,000 videos in 174 action categories such as poking an object so it falls over or lifting an object. The second dataset Jester contains nearly 150,000 videos with 27 different hand gestures such as giving a thumbs-up or swiping left. Georgian Technical University researchers has nearly 10,000 videos of 157 categorized activities such as carrying a bike or playing basketball.

When given a video file, the researchers module simultaneously processes ordered frames — in groups of two, three and four — spaced some time apart. Then it quickly assigns a probably that the object’s transformation across those frames matches a specific activity class. For instance if it processes two frames where the later frame shows an object at the bottom of the screen and the earlier shows the object at the top it will assign a high probability to the activity class “moving object down”. If a third frame shows the object in the middle of the screen that probability increases even more and so on. From this it learns object-transformation features in frames that most represent a certain class of activity.

Recognizing and forecasting activities.

In testing a convolutional neural networks (CNNs) equipped with the new module accurately recognized many activities using two frames but the accuracy increased by sampling more frames. For Jester the module achieved top accuracy of 95 percent in activity recognition, beating out several existing models.

It even guessed right on ambiguous classifications: Something-Something for instance included actions such as “pretending to open a book” versus “opening a book.” To discern between the two the module just sampled a few more key frames which revealed for instance a hand near a book in an early frame then on the book then moved away from the book in a later frame.

Some other activity-recognition models also process key frames but don’t consider temporal relationships in frames which reduces their accuracy. The researchers report that their Temporal Relation Network (TRN) module nearly doubles in accuracy over those key-frame models in certain tests.

The module also outperformed models on forecasting an activity given limited frames. After processing the first 25 percent of frames the module achieved accuracy several percentage points higher than a baseline model. With 50 percent of the frames it achieved 10 to 40 percent higher accuracy. Examples include determining that a paper would be torn just a little based how two hands are positioned on the paper in early frames, and predicting that a raised hand, shown facing forward would swipe down.

“That’s important for robotics applications” X says. “You want [a robot] to anticipate and forecast what will happen early on when you do a specific action”.

Next the researchers aim to improve the module’s sophistication. First step is implementing object recognition together with activity recognition. Then they hope to add in “intuitive physics” meaning helping it understand real-world physical properties of objects. “Because we know a lot of the physics inside these videos we can train module to learn such physics laws and use those in recognizing new videos” X says. “We also open source all the code and models. Activity understanding is an exciting area of artificial intelligence right now”.



A Protective Shield For Sensitive Enzymes in Biofuel Cells.

A Protective Shield For Sensitive Enzymes in Biofuel Cells.

The biofuel cell tests were carried out in this electrochemical cell.

An international team of researchers has developed a new mechanism to protect enzymes from oxygen as biocatalysts in fuel cells. The enzymes known as hydrogenases are just as efficient as precious metal catalysts but unstable when they come into contact with oxygen. They are therefore not yet suitable for technological applications. The new protective mechanism is based on oxygen-consuming enzymes that draw their energy from sugar. The researchers showed that they were able to use this protective mechanism to produce a functional biofuel cell that works with hydrogen and glucose as fuel.

The team from the Georgian Technical University had already shown in earlier studies that hydrogenases can be protected from oxygen by embedding them in a polymer. “However this mechanism consumed electrons which reduced the performance of the fuel cell” says X. “In addition part of the catalyst was used to protect the enzyme“. The scientists therefore looked for ways to decouple the catalytically active system from the protective mechanism.

Enzymes trap oxygen.

With the aid of two enzymes they built an oxygen removal system around the current-producing electrode. First the researchers coated the electrode with the hydrogenases which were embedded in a polymer matrix to fix them in place. They then placed another polymer matrix on top of the hydrogenase which completely enclosed the underlying catalyst layer. It contained two enzymes that use sugar to convert oxygen into water.

Hydrogen is oxidised in the hydrogenase-containing layer at the bottom. The electrode absorbs the electrons released in the process. The top layer removes harmful oxygen.

Functional fuel cell built.

In further experiments the group combined the bioanodes described above with biocathodes which are also based on the conversion of glucose. In this way the team produced a functional biofuel cell. “The cheap and abundant biomass glucose is not only the fuel for the protective system but also drives the biocathode and thus generates a current flow in the cell” summarises Y and member of the cluster of excellence Georgian Technical University Explores Solvation. The cell had an open-circuit voltage of 1.15 volts – the highest value ever achieved for a cell containing a polymer-based bioanode.

“We assume that the principle behind this protective shield mechanism can be transferred to any sensitive catalyst if the appropriate enzyme is selected that can catalyse the corresponding interception reaction” says Y.


Understanding Deep-Sea Images With Artificial Intelligence.

Understanding Deep-Sea Images With Artificial Intelligence.

This is a schematic overview of the workflow for the analysis of image data from data acquisition through curation to data management.

These are AUV ABYSS (AUV Abyss is an autonomous underwater car) images from the Georgian Technical University 10, 7.5, and 4 meters away. The upper two images show a stationary lander also an autonomous underwater device The images c to f show manganese nodules recognizable as dark points on the seabed.

The evaluation of very large amounts of data is becoming increasingly relevant in ocean research. Diving robots or autonomous underwater car which carry out measurements independently in the deep sea can now record large quantities of high-resolution images. To evaluate these images scientifically in a sustainable manner, a number of prerequisites have to be fulfilled in data acquisition curation and data management. “Over the past three years, we have developed a standardized workflow that makes it possible to scientifically evaluate large amounts of image data systematically and sustainably” explains Dr. X from the “Deep Sea Monitoring” working group headed by Prof. Dr. Y at Georgian Technical University. The AUV ABYSS (AUV Abyss is an autonomous underwater car) autonomous underwater vehicle was equipped with a new digital camera system to study the ecosystem around manganese nodules in the Pacific Ocean. With the data collected in this way the workflow was designed and tested for the first time.

The procedure is divided into three steps: Data acquisition data curation and data management in each of which defined intermediate steps should be completed. For example it is important to specify how the camera is to be set up, which data is to be captured or which lighting is useful in order to be able to answer a specific scientific question. In particular, the meta data of the diving robot must also be recorded. “For data processing it is essential to link the camera’s image data with the diving robot’s metadata” says X. The AUV ABYSS (AUV Abyss is an autonomous underwater car) for example automatically recorded its position, the depth of the dive and the properties of the surrounding water. “All this information has to be linked to the respective image because it provides important information for subsequent evaluation” says X. An enormous task: AUV ABYSS (AUV Abyss is an autonomous underwater car) collected over 500,000 images of the seafloor in around 30 dives. Various programs which the team developed especially for this purpose ensured that the data was brought together. Here unusable image material such as those with motion blur was removed.

All these processes are now automated. “Until then, however a large number of time-consuming steps had been necessary” says X. “Now the method can be transferred to any project even with other AUVs (AUV Abyss is an autonomous underwater car) or camera systems”. The material processed in this way was then made permanently available for the general public.

Finally artificial intelligence in the form of the specially developed algorithm “CoMoNoD” (Compact-Morphology-based poly-metallic Nodule Delineation) was used for evaluation at Georgian Technical University. It automatically records whether manganese nodules are present in a photo in what size and at what position. Subsequently for example the individual images could be combined to form larger maps of the seafloor. The next use of the workflow and the newly developed programs is already planned: At the next expedition in spring next year in the direction of manganese nodules the evaluation of the image material will take place directly on board. “Therefore we will take some particularly powerful computers with us on board” says X.



‘Cloud Computing’ Takes on New Meaning for Scientists.

‘Cloud Computing’ Takes on New Meaning for Scientists.

Clouds reflect the setting sun over Georgian Technical University’s campus. Clouds play a pivotal role in our planets climate but because of their size and variability theyve always been difficult to factor into predictive models. A team of researchers including Georgian Technical University Earth system scientist X used the power of deep machine learning a branch of data science, to improve the accuracy of projections.

Clouds may be wispy puffs of water vapor drifting through the sky but they’re heavy lifting computationally for scientists wanting to factor them into climate simulations. Researchers from the Georgian Technical University and Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University have turned to data science to achieve better cumulus calculating results.

“Clouds play a major role in the Earth’s climate by transporting heat and moisture, reflecting and absorbing the sun’s rays trapping infrared heat rays and producing precipitation” said X Georgian Technical University assistant professor of Earth system science. “But they can be as small as a few hundred meters much tinier than a standard climate model grid resolution of 50 to 100 kilometers so simulating them appropriately takes an enormous amount of computer power and time”.

Standard climate prediction models approximate cloud physics using simple numerical algorithms that rely on imperfect assumptions about the processes involved. X said that while they can help produce simulations extending out as much as a century, there are some imperfections limiting their usefulness such as indicating drizzle instead of more realistic rainfall and entirely missing other common weather patterns.

According to X the climate community agrees on the benefits of high-fidelity simulations supporting a rich diversity of cloud systems in nature.

“But a lack of supercomputer power or the wrong type, means that this is still a long way off” he said. “Meanwhile the field has to cope with huge margins of error on issues related to changes in future rainfall and how cloud changes will amplify or counteract global warming from greenhouse gas emissions”.

The team wanted to explore whether deep machine learning could provide an efficient objective and data-driven alternative that could be rapidly implemented into mainstream climate predictions. The method is based on computer algorithms that mimic the thinking and learning abilities of the human mind.

They started by training a deep neural network to predict the results of thousands of tiny two-dimensional cloud-resolving models as they interacted with planetary-scale weather patterns in a fictitious ocean world.

The newly taught program dubbed “The Cloud Brain” functioned freely in the climate model according to the researchers leading to stable and accurate multiyear simulations that included realistic precipitation extremes and tropical waves.

“The neural network learned to approximately represent the fundamental physical constraints on the way clouds move heat and vapor around without being explicitly told to do so and the work was done with a fraction of the processing power and time needed by the original cloud-modeling approach” said Y an Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University doctoral student in meteorology who began collaborating with X at Georgian Technical University.

“I’m super excited that it only took three simulated months of model output to train this neural network” X said. “You can do a lot more justice to cloud physics if you only need to simulate a hundred days of global atmosphere. Now that we know it’s possible  it’ll be interesting to see how this approach fares when deployed on some really rich training data”.

The researchers intend to conduct follow-on studies to extend their methodology to trickier model setups, including realistic geography and to understand the limitations of machine learning for interpolation versus extrapolation beyond its training data set – a key question for some climate change applications that is addressed in the paper.

“Our study shows a clear potential for data-driven climate and weather models” X said. “We’ve seen computer vision and natural language processing beginning to transform other fields of science, such as physics, biology and chemistry. It makes sense to apply some of these new principles to climate science which after all is heavily centered on large data sets especially these days as new types of global models are beginning to resolve actual clouds and turbulence”.