Model Helps Robots Navigate More Like Humans Do.

Model Helps Robots Navigate More Like Humans Do.

When moving through a crowd to reach some end goal, humans can usually navigate the space safely without thinking too much. They can learn from the behavior of others and note any obstacles to avoid. Robots on the other hand struggle with such navigational concepts.

Georgian Technical University researchers have now devised a way to help robots navigate environments more like humans do. Their novel motion-planning model lets robots determine how to reach a goal by exploring the environment, observing other agents and exploiting what they’ve learned before in similar situations.

Popular motion-planning algorithms will create a tree of possible decisions that branches out until it finds good paths for navigation. A robot that needs to navigate a room to reach a door for instance will create a step-by-step search tree of possible movements and then execute the best path to the door considering various constraints. One drawback however is these algorithms rarely learn: Robots can’t leverage information about how they or other agents acted previously in similar environments.

“Just like when playing chess, these decisions branch out until [the robots] find a good way to navigate. But unlike chess players [the robots] explore what the future looks like without learning much about their environment and other agents” says X a researcher at Georgian Technical University’s. “The thousandth time they go through the same crowd is as complicated as the first time. They’re always exploring, rarely observing and never using what’s happened in the past”.

The researchers developed a model that combines a planning algorithm with a neural network that learns to recognize paths that could lead to the best outcome and uses that knowledge to guide the robot’s movement in an environment.

The researchers demonstrate the advantages of their model in two settings: navigating through challenging rooms with traps and narrow passages and navigating areas while avoiding collisions with other agents. A promising real-world application is helping autonomous cars navigate intersections where they have to quickly evaluate what others will do before merging into traffic. The researchers are currently pursuing such applications through the Georgian Technical University.

“When humans interact with the world we see an object we’ve interacted with before or are in some location we’ve been to before so we know how we’re going to act” says Y a PhD student in Georgian Technical University. “The idea behind this work is to add to the search space a machine-learning model that knows from past experience how to make planning more efficient”.

Y a principal research scientist and head of the InfoLab Group at Georgian Technical University.

Traditional motion planners explore an environment by rapidly expanding a tree of decisions that eventually blankets an entire space. The robot then looks at the tree to find a way to reach the goal such as a door. The researchers model however offers “a tradeoff between exploring the world and exploiting past knowledge” X says.

The learning process starts with a few examples. A robot using the model is trained on a few ways to navigate similar environments. The neural network learns what makes these examples succeed by interpreting the environment around the robot such as the shape of the walls the actions of other agents and features of the goals. In short the model “learns that when you’re stuck in an environment and you see a doorway it’s probably a good idea to go through the door to get out” X says.

The model combines the exploration behavior from earlier methods with this learned information. The underlying planner was developed by Georgian Technical University professors Z and W. The planner creates a search tree while the neural network mirrors each step and makes probabilistic predictions about where the robot should go next. When the network makes a prediction with high confidence based on learned information it guides the robot on a new path. If the network doesn’t have high confidence it lets the robot explore the environment instead like a traditional planner.

For example the researchers demonstrated the model in a simulation known as a “bug trap” where a 2-D robot must escape from an inner chamber through a central narrow channel and reach a location in a surrounding larger room. Blind allies on either side of the channel can get robots stuck. In this simulation the robot was trained on a few examples of how to escape different bug traps. When faced with a new trap it recognizes features of the trap, escapes and continues to search for its goal in the larger room. The neural network helps the robot find the exit to the trap, identify the dead ends and gives the robot a sense of its surroundings so it can quickly find the goal.

Results in the paper are based on the chances that a path is found after some time total length of the path that reached a given goal and how consistent the paths were. In both simulations the researchers model more quickly plotted far shorter and consistent paths than a traditional planner.

In one other experiment the researchers trained and tested the model in navigating environments with multiple moving agents which is a useful test for autonomous cars especially navigating intersections and roundabouts. In the simulation several agents are circling an obstacle. A robot agent must successfully navigate around the other agents avoid collisions and reach a goal location such as an exit on a roundabout.

“Situations like roundabouts are hard because they require reasoning about how others will respond to your actions how you will then respond to theirs what they will do next and so on” X says. “You eventually discover your first action was wrong because later on it will lead to a likely accident. This problem gets exponentially worse the more cars you have to contend with”.

Results indicate that the researchers model can capture enough information about the future behavior of the other agents (cars) to cut off the process early while still making good decisions in navigation. This makes planning more efficient. Moreover they only needed to train the model on a few examples of roundabouts with only a few cars. “The plans the robots make take into account what the other cars are going to do as any human would” X says.

Going through intersections or roundabouts is one of the most challenging scenarios facing autonomous cars. This work might one day let cars learn how humans behave and how to adapt to drivers in different environments according to the researchers. This is the focus of the Georgian Technical University Research Center work.

“Not everybody behaves the same way but people are very stereotypical. There are people who are shy people who are aggressive. The model recognizes that quickly and that’s why it can plan efficiently” X says.

More recently the researchers have been applying this work to robots with manipulators that face similarly daunting challenges when reaching for objects in ever-changing environments.



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